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Soulforged Progress Bar Percentages JS - Changes the progress bar display for quests to display the percent progress
Optimize work experience at Microsoft JS - Optimize work experience at Microsoft!
Send Azure Intune directly to Endpoint JS - With Intune moving to endpoint, they now require you to click another link to be able to manage Intune devices. This will now take you directly to endpoint when clicking the link.
Copy Branch Name Button JS - Copy branch name button added to Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps Pull Request Filter JS - Filter pull Requests in Azure DevOps by tags
AdoIcon JS - Make ado tabs more distinguishable
Enhanced data explorer text pad JS - Adds shift + enter, tab, shift + tab, ctrl+k/c, ctrl+k/u support to cosmos data explorer textarea.
ADO Build & Deploy - Run Pipeline+ JS - Add useful options for Build & Deploy pipeline in Azure DevOps
ADO Build & Deploy - Viewer+ JS - Rework HTML of build view in Azure DevOps
Azure devops auto dark mode JS - Automatically switch the dark mode according to the system settings, which uses the official style
Azure DevOps Commit Compare JS - Compare commits like pull requests
Copy Button for Code Blocks on Azure DevOps JS - Add a copy button for every code highlighting block in Markdown on Azure DevOps
Filter keywords on Azure JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
(Show IP) - Show information tooltips on various sites (mutation observer) JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
Add Text to Search Field in ADO and jump to lines with specific keywords. Untick pipeline stages. JS - Adds text to the search field on Azure DevOps pages
Azure PR View Plus JS - Modify repos elements on web pages
Azure Extensions JS - This repository contains user scripts for enhancing your Azure Portal experience.