Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
Import Bandcamp releases into MB JS - Import album and track info from Bandcamp into the MusicBrainz database.
Bandcamp TagPlayer JS - A genre/tag audio player for (like Player for
Bandcamp Volume Bar JS - adds a volume bar to Bandcamp
GM Scrobbler for Bandcamp JS - scrobbler for Bandcamp, based on GM Scrobbler for script
Share lyrics and songtexts on JS - Adds a link above the lyrics on bandcamp to share lyrics to It then automatically copies all the available information (title, artist, release date, ...) to
BCPop JS - Filter bandcamp user collections by popularity
Show ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVnfo,, GOG, Epic Games Store,
Bandcamp download mp3s JS - Shows download links for the preview files on bandcamp albums
Show ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies),, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVNfo,
Bandcamp Volume Bar JS - Adds a volume bar to Bandcamp
release:txt JS - (WILL NOT WORK! DO NOT USE; as of 2022, the script doesn't seem to work anywhere anymore. sorry.) Get a music release info and tracklist from and
bandcamp Nice embedded JS - Adds hotkeys to embedded pages
Bandcamp - Display Prices on Wishlist JS - Simply display a price tag on each item in the wishlist
Next, Previous, and play/pause key shortcuts for bandcamp JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on bandcamp.
Bandcamp snatcher JS - Feeling good about this one
Bandcamp downloader JS - Adds "download" next to songs @ bandcamp site
Bandcamp Album Tags On Collection Pages JS - Shows album tags when hovering over an album on a collection page
Bandcamp Collection Filters JS - List items in a collection or wishlist that match certain filters (free, in common, etc)
Bandcamp Supporters You Follow JS - Show supporters of an album/track that you follow
Bandcamp :: Search Filters JS - Adds Artist, Album and Label buttons to filter the search r###lts.
Bandcamp Volume Bar JS - adds a volume bar to Bandcamp
Bandcamp Price Grabber JS - 4/23/2020, 1:25:40 AM
Bandcamp Dark CSS - Dark theme for Bandcamp
Bandcamp: Stick Track List & Description to Player CSS - Moves album variations and merchandise down so playlist or track description appears right below player.
BandcampTrackCover JS - Forces showing track instead of album covers on Bandcamp.
Bandcamp Toggle Playback With Spacebar JS - Press spacebar on Bandcamp to control music playback.
Bandcamp Total Duration JS - Displays total length of albums on
Bandcamp Total Duration JS - Displays total length of albums on
Bandcamp Total Duration JS - Displays total length of albums on
Bandcamp: Show publish date JS - Shows Bandcamp releases' real "publish date" below the listed release date. Also shows "date modified" if different from publish date.
Bandcamp script ( only) JS - A discography player for and manager for your played albums
Bandcamp Downloader JS - Adds a download link to songs on Bandcamp
Bandcamp: I'm Not A Fan JS - Removes playback limitation and dialog "The time has come to open thy heart/wallet"
Bandcamp Random Album JS - Add link to random album from collection or wishlist
Bandcamp Random Album JS - Add link to random album from collection or wishlist
Bandcamp - Handle Media Key JS - Bandcamp - Handle Media Key.
BC: do free downloads JS - adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using). Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.
BC: tags to top JS - copy taglist to top of page
BC: Title Case tracks JS - change ALL CAPS TRACKS to Title Case
Transcending Obscurity Needs To Sell You Booty Shorts Bro JS - hides merch on Transcending Obscurity bandcamp pages
Bandcamp Collapsable Shop JS - Bundles up all bandcamp purchase options under one collapsable
Bandcamp: Wishlist Auto Play JS - Auto-playing tracks on" page
Bandcamp Helper JS - Improve downloading of discographies with the addition of an item count and total size.
Bandcamp: Target Your Track on the List JS - Adds a button to the music bar that scrolls to the track you are currently listening to but have lost it
Bandcamp Downloader JS - Adds a sidebar to download songs from Bandcamp.
Bandcamp: Auto Play Discover JS - Auto-playing tracks on page
Copy Song Titles on Bandcamp JS - Copies the song title when clicking on the track number on Bandcamp and shows a non-intrusive pop-up notification that disappears after 2 seconds.
Bandcamp: Artist to Discography JS - When you click the artist name on an album page, it'll take you to the discography page
Bandcamp Download Link Grabber JS - Grab all download links from the bandcamp post-checkout download cart page
BC: fixed/sticky player JS - keeps player visible when scrolling. choose a style in the code
BC: record label link visible JS - copy the "← record label" link above the album art so it's visible without resizing the browser window
bandcamp shortcuts JS - space to pause, up and down arrows for next/prev song