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Civitai Ultra Fast Auto Clicker JS - 스크롤 최적화된 Civitai 자동 클릭 스크립트 (10초 이내 완료)
Civitai网站辅助(English Version) JS - Civitai model information assisted acquisition
ExportCivitAIMetadata JS - 导出 的 safetensors 模型元数据 / Export .safetensor file's metadata from civitAI
CivitaiAutoShow JS - Hover the mouse over a hidden picture to reveal it automatically
Civitai 增强 JS - 获得更佳的 Civitai 体验,功能解锁
- fast react JS - Fast keyboard 1-4 emoji reactions for instead of clicking the buttons. First press will expand the reaction toolbar. Subsequent presses will add a reaction with the matching emoji from left to right (thumbs up 👍, heart ❤️, tears 😂, crying 😢). Shift + number (!@#$) to remove reaction. Make sure your mouse is over the image you want to react to.
Save as HTML and Print articles from Civitai Articles (Modern Style) JS - Save Civitai articles as HTML or Print them with modern, readable styling.
Civitai Model Download Helper JS - Send the model_id of the current page to the Stable Diffusion (AUTOMATIC1111) WebUI's civitai extension download page.
Civitai Post Galery JS - Fit-to-screen image viewer for Civitai posts
Civitai - Order collections JS - This script will order the "My Collections" list in ascending alphanumeric order.
civitai - BIG LIKES JS - Makes likes BIG and HARD TO MISS
Civitai Model Versions Scroll Remover JS - Removes scrolling on Civitai model versions, allowing for easy selection for models with many alternative versions.
Civitai Auto-Clicker for Buzz and Follow JS - Automatically clicks "Claim 25 Buzz" once and "Follow" on three different pages per session on Civitai
Civitai Multiple Prompt Copy Buttons (with Prompt Management) JS - Adds multiple prompt copy buttons in a compact, draggable floating menu with prompt management on Civitai's generate page
Civitai Date Range Picker JS - Civitai date range picker and update URL with selected range
Civitai Direct Link Helper JS - Adds a convenient copy button next to download buttons on Civitai to easily get direct download links for models
Civitai Utility JS - Civitai Utility (T = Extract Tags [ctrl + 4])
Civitai Model Versions Wraparound + Search + Sort JS - Wraps CivitAI versions into multiple rows, adds a search bar, and allows sorting by Date, Alphabetical, Popularity, and Downloads.
Civitai Prompt Autocomplete & Tag Wiki JS - Adds tag autocomplete and wiki lookup features