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Craigslist Enhancer JS - Let's you search multiple cities at the same time and presents r###lts in a clean and concise fashion.
Craig's Unlister JS - Make things that are dead and gone go away.
Craigslist Post Renew in New Window JS - This modifies your post renewal links in your account, to popup in a new window. I was annoyed that CL would use the same window, and then I would have to click back, and click the next renew link, etc etc.
Craigslist apartment map view with filters JS - Craigslist apartment search is most useful on the map view, since after all real estate is about location, location, location, but other factors matter too. For example you probably want to see listings that are reasonably new but not just from today, but the current UI only lets you pick "Listed today" or no filter. This tampermonkey script lets you eliminate listings by a configurable age range.
Craigslist Better Styles JS - Moves the 'hide' button to standard location for faster hiding of items
Craigslist Hover JS - Show posts in a popup upon hover.
Craigslist: Bigger Pics in Thumb View JS - Loads higher resolution thumbnail images when browsing in "thumb" view
Craigslist Search Hide All JS - Trash all the listings on this page.
Craigslist dark theme JS - Craigslist is so bright! Let's turn down the dimmer.