Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED) JS - This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
WebsiteBlocker JS - Blocking websites has never beem easier! Just add an website in the Match line, and it will be blocked!
BitbucketServer_FirstParentsOnly JS - Emulate --first-parent in Bitbucket Server's commit list
Supercharged Local Directory File Browser JS - Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more.
hide_specific_page JS - 指定したページで指定した要素を非表示にする
Inferno Star! VOID Pro! AutoRecaptcha included to run with fresh accounts! JS - Prepare for the amageddon!!
ReloadPage 2.5min JS - try to take over the world!
[000] 15 Page Multi Faucet Roller (GRAB FREE MONEY EVER HOURE) JS - Redeem free money every houre with script, follow the links to get BTC ETH XRP USDT USDC BNB XEM STEAM ADA TRX
Generic Watermark Remover JS - Generic Watermark Remover by ihciah
Gerrit checkbox resolved is always unchecked JS - Never automatically check "resolved", even on Done or Ack.
sites blocker JS - Block sites you don't want your kid, student and self to see.
- JS - 9/21/2022, 3:41:32 PM
Big Timestamp JS - Adds a timestamp on top of video sites like Amazon Video, YouTube, and more.
Bitbucket: commit links in diff tab of PRs JS - Adds convenience links in PRs of Bitbucket v7.6.+
Jira: Pull Request Link Improver JS - Adds more convenient pull request links to Jira tickets.
Jira: Project icon as tab icon JS - Changes browser tab icon to Jira project icon
Bitbucket: PR author avatar as favicon JS - Set Bitbucket PR favicon to author's avatar
Confluence: space avatar as tab icon JS - Sets browser tab icon of Confluence to the avatar of the space.
Remove Menu Bar Elements JS - Removes specified elements from the menu bar
Anti-Hack Detector JS - Detects and reports hackers in the game.
Anti-Hack Detection JS - Detects flying and aimbot hacks in the game.
Get Input Values JS - This script logs the values of specific input fields when a button is clicked
Confluence: copy link buttons JS - Adds buttons to copy a link to the current page directly into clipboard. Two buttons are supported: Markdown and Jira syntax. Both buttons support HTML for rich text editors.
Bitbucket: copy commit reference JS - Adds a "Copy commit reference" link to every commit page on Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server.
Jira copy summary JS - Adds a "Copy summary" button for issue pages on Jira.
测试GM_api JS - 用于测试Tampermonkey提供的部分GM_api
Edit with PageLayer JS - Adds an Edit with Pagelayer button on the top bar of a Wordpress site while editing it, so you don't have to go through the default editor to get to PageLayer.
Supercharged Local Directory File Browser (Nick2bad4u Version) JS - Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more.
Direct Wmode JS - An userscript to make flash object display in "direact" mode.
usedJSHeapSize Hud JS - Add a usedJSHeapSize line chart at the bottom of your page.
Example Test JS - Replace all of with a blank page displaying "test" and set the page title to "test"
Auto Clicker for Example Website JS - Automates clicking on certain buttons on