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FurAffinity Post Prechecker / Hider JS - Hides the deleted submission/journal entries
FA Content Filter JS - Filters user-defined content while browsing Furaffinity.
Tradutor Furaffinity JS - Tradus a interface da Furaffinity para Português Brasileiro
Furaffinity nested messages JS - Groups the message center by message source
FA Journal Breakdown JS - Provides a breakdown of your journal list
FA Quick Safemode JS - Hides thumbnails of non-general rated artwork, can be used when in public without needing to edit account settings.
FA TextViewer JS - Allows for online viewing of all text based submissions of FurAffinity
FA NoStreamMonitor JS - Counts the number of streams hidden
Fur Affinity Gallery Keys JS - Allows viewers to move between pictures in a gallery using the arrow keys.
Fur Affinity Test UI Homepage JS - Original concept art by Mailylion. Replaces the landing page with a new theme.
FA No Custom Thumbnails JS - Changes all thumbnails for the default sized submission
FA Fixes Control Panel JS - Adds a control panel of fixes to the FurAffinity website, so you can enable/disable them at will.
FA Additional BBCode Helper JS - Adds clickable functionality to common BBCode inputs
FA Auto-Select Search Ratings JS - Selects all the checkboxes automatically for FurAffinity's search engine.
FA SubFilter JS - Enable/Disable custom submission types with keywords
FA Emotes-On-Beta JS - Bringing A "Classic" touch to the Beta!
FurAffinity unwatch JS - Unwatch all the user in the current watch page, will open a new tab for each unwatch
FAForumSFWversion JS - Allow you to hide NSFW topics or mark them with a red prefix, you can specify tags to filter in order to take new words in account
Furaffinity Webcomic Autoloader SX JS - Gives you the option to load all the subsequent comic pages on a FurAffinity comic page automatically.
Furaffinity Handy Stuff JS - Helpful hotkeys and various improvements.
FA Blacklist JS - Adds a blacklist to Fur Affinity. Also adds the ability to replace typed terms with other terms. If installed correctly you should see a link titled "Edit Blacklist" below the search box on FA's search page.
FA Webcomic Auto Loader JS - Gives you the option to load all the subsequent comic pages on a FurAffinity comic page automatically. Even for pages without given Links
FA Embedded Image Viewer JS - Embeds the clicked Image on the Current Site, so you can view it without loading the submission Page
FA Infini-Gallery JS - Automatically loads the next page of the gallery as you reach the bottom
FA Download Button JS - Adds a hovering download button in gallery pages on FurAffinity
FA Watches Favorites Viewer JS - Scans the Favorites of your Watches for new Favorites and shows a Button to view these (if any where found). (Works like Submission Page)
De-spamify FurAffinity Search JS - Removes 99% of YCH/Reminder/Adoptables/etc. spam from FurAffinity searches by appending a carefully crafted negation string to the end of your search.
image view fit-height JS - make the submission image fit the height of the screen
furaffinity Page Arrows 2 JS - Change page on furaffinity using arrow keys, modified from original by kittywithclaws:
FA gear JS - FA enhancement
FA auto-reload 503 JS - Automatically reloads 503 pages
Furaffinity Open Selected JS - Adds a button for open all selected submissiuns
FurAffinity - Seamless Fav JS - Fav submissions without reloading the page
FA Instant Nuker JS - Adds nuke buttons to instantly nuke all submissions or messages
Add a "Remove Selected" button JS - This adds a second "Remove Selected" button to the top of the submission notifications pages.
Auto-select advertisements JS - This automatically selects submission notifications, that are advertisements.
Auto-select already faved JS - This automatically selects submission notifications, that are already faved.
Auto-select unwatched JS - This automatically selects submission notifications from unwatched users on the current FurAffinity notifications page.
Outline already faved JS - This automatically outlines submissions, that are already faved.