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DOI to Sci-Hub JS - Highlight DOI link on the current webpage and redirect it to Sci-Hub.
SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+Scihub JS - Download the Refman(*.ris) with pdf URL queried from Sci-hub. Supported 80+ sites include Web of science, Researchgate, Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, MDPI, Scopus, etc. Just see:
IEEE TitleAsPDFfileName JS - 在下载IEEE的论文将文件名命名为题目,而不是一串数字 save the pdf file using the title as file name.
TUM eAccess Redirector JS - Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the libary of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen via the eAccess-System. TUM credentials required.
UWA Auto EzProxy Redirector JS - Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the University of Western Australia.
fixbib JS - Fix common bib errors.
IEEExplore PDF + frame replacement JS - Replaces all PDF links on IEEE Xplore with the direct link to the file, bypassing the annoying frameset.
IEEE Xplore pdf no banner JS - delete the banner in IEEE Xplore pdf display page.
PaperDownload & titleAsPDFName JS - 下载pdf论文并自动用文章标题重命名文件,点击左上角的save按钮或按 Ctrl+S 触发下载(按键下载有bug暂不可用)。Automatially download a pdf paper and rename it with the paper title. This script works on opened pdf pages, e.g. Click save button on the top left corner or press Ctrl+S to trigger. Currently support pdf pages in,,,,, and
paper search JS - search paper in scihub
sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline+springer跳转HFUT_无按钮 JS - sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline跳转 HFUT
IEEE_To_SCI-Hub JS - A Little tool to open the article in sci-hub without copying the title.
Google scholar sci-hub popup JS - Save some time with sci-hub
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V0.1.3
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.1
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.2
KU Leuven E-Sources JS - Redirect to KU Leuven E-Sources for scientific articles
Sci Hub Injector JS - Adds SciHub links to popular publishing websites to make free access to science even easier.
Academic Article Unlocker JS - Easily access open-access versions of academic articles with the click of a button. Say goodbye to paywalls and hello to knowledge.
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.3
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.1.0
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.1.0C
NUS e-journals download redirect JS - e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.2.0
Remove IEEE Spectrum Nav Bar CSS - Fixes scrolling bug when using touch screens by simply removing the top navigation bar.
IEEE Paper Downloader JS - IEEE Paper Downloader is a Greasemonkey script that enables batch downloading of papers. It bypasses the IEEE Xplore's limit on downloading up to 10 papers at a time, allowing you to download more than 10 papers in one go.
UTS Library Redirect JS - Automatically redirect from ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UTS Library.
UNSW Library Redirect JS - Automatically redirect from ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UNSW Library.
Redirect to UNSW Library JS - Redirect ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UNSW Library.
NJU-Auto-IDP JS - Auto pass NJU IDP check in some academic websites
出版社2SYSU JS - sciencedirect+ieeexplore+acm跳转 SYSU