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Canvas print fixJS-try to take over the world!
Canvas Grade CalculatorJS-Calculates the Letter Grade for Canvas
canvas_checkboxesJS-Add checkboxes to some items in canvas to keep track of what you have read/completed.
Bypass new exam restrictionJS-Allow bank question selection for qti uploads
Automated Modules CustomizationJS-Automatically apply customizations to Canvas modules: check 'mark done' checkbox before navigating to the next video in Canvas; reduce the size of large images; increase the size of Kaltura video player.
Time Left on Tab - Canvas InstructureJS-Shows the test/quiz/exam time left on the browser tab and also keeps the questions and time fixed on the screen.
Get CanvasIDJS-Tested on
To Do list title - Canvas InstructureJS-Shows the full TO Do task title when you hover over it on the dashboard of your course.
Show course name - Canvas InstructureJS-Shows the full course name and course code of your class on any page.
Power+ Userscript LoaderJS-An alternate, customizable loader for Power+ (
Shirley Theme OverhaulJS-A theme for the shirley portal.
Canvas module page media width and heightJS-Media videos under the modules for Georgia Tech canvas instructure show up in a mobile size even on the desktop. This script changes that.
ASU Canvas HelperJS-An userscript to fix video player issues of ASU Canvas (the website to take ASU online courses)
Fake 505 Screen For CanvasJS-Use this to get out of homework. Not recommended for school work, because they will contact support and find out. If your trying to get out of homework make sure to unpin the extension if its pinned. Make sure to replace https or http with * and put /* where the dash is in your school url. If you use this url then your good. Have fun using this for whatever on canvas!
Bypass "Calculation of totals has been disabled" for canvasJS-Calculates totals when canvas doesn't want to
canvas navigatorJS-navigate left and right using arrow keys in canvas or even the assignments too!
Canvas Grade CalculatorJS-Calculate grade totals for Canvas courses that have it disabled.
Gatech Canvas Team Annoucement Script for TAJS-Perform multiple actions
OneClick Tools - Canvas InstructureJS-Copy/Google with a single click on all quizzes/exam questions of your course.
Canvas Grade CalculatorJS-Calculates the Letter Grade for Canvas
Canvas Sidebar HiderJS-Hides extra buttons on canvas sidebar
Remove popups on UiS CanvasJS-Remove popups on UiS Canvas, eh?
ModulesJS-Automate course copies
Task BarJS-Automate course copies
PagesJS-Automate course copies
CanvasExtractCourseRosterJS-A nice GUI way to extract users+emails from a Canvas course in a simple-to-use format.
Canvas ConfettiJS-Brighten up your canvas experience with more confetti on your assignments!
Google Classroom Fortune Teller Revamped!JS-This simple script tells your fortune when you open or reload Google Classroom. You can add more websites to the script if you desire to have fortunes in other places as well. No need for fortune cookies just open classroom get your fortune! Also supports MCAD's "Canvas" by default.
Auto Refill Canvas QuizzesJS-Auto refill quizzes in canvas
Canvas Tab ExpanderJS-Automatically expands all tabs in Canvas assignments and combines content
Canvas Dashboard GradesJS-Modern alternative to the Canvas Dashboard Grades extension.