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Kahoot Auto Answer Bot JS - A script that automatically answers Kahoot questions correctly.
Kahoot Namerator and Name Length Bypass JS - Bypasses kahoot nickname generator as well as the maximum name length
Kahoot Cheat (Beta) (Working Dec 2024) JS - Skibidi Toilet approved, made by floidAI
Kahoot Auto Answer JS - Auto-answer Kahoot questions with random answers
code! JS - A hack for!
Kahoot,quizezz,blooket and quizlet mod menu JS - This is a mod for school games this is very early beta!!please wait for more updates!
KAntibot JS - Remove all bots from a kahoot game.
KPin Checker JS - Check the pin of a kahoot game.
KonoSuba Kahoot Theme JS - Get the Useless, the Cannon, the Meat Wall, and the Frog Killer in One Userscript!
Autokahoot JS - Automatically move through kahoots - with more power and ease
Kahoot scoreboard skip JS - Skip the kahoot scoreboard
Hide kahoot quiz name JS - Hide the kahoot quiz name
Rainbow Kahoot JS - Makes the background go rainbow :O
Kahoot colors JS - Color your kahoots with rainbows and colors!
Kahoot Antisettings JS - Hide some kahoot settings for streams, to make it look less crowded and bloated.
Kahoot anti login to save r###lts JS - Get rid of it now!
KaBoot(modified) JS - Allows you to press the 1234 keys on your keyboard to trigger the Kahoot answer buttons
PKaBoot JS - A configurable script that maps keyboard keys (1, 2, 3, 4 and Space by default) to the answer buttons on Kahoot
Kahoot! QOL JS - Improves the Quality of Life on Kahoot!
Kahoot Game Finding Loop JS - The fuk ee dat???!!!!
Kahoot Autoplay JS - Kahoot autoplay for streamers
kahoot no-media JS - removes all media from kahoot for host and avoid stupid copyright issues
anti kahoot notifications JS - removes kahoot notifications (hide annoying player limit)
kahoot no-restrict JS - edits the game to avoid kahoot getting you restricted
[DOGEWARE]KahootBot Join Random Kahoots JS - This will try to join hundreds of kahoot lobby until it finds a available lobby and joins it --Warnning this may take over 1-10 minutes to find a open lobby
Remove Kahoot Log In Pop Up JS - Hide kahoot log in pop up
KAntibot JS - Remove all bots from a kahoot game.
1Kahoot Custom Mods - ViolentMonkey Compatible Ultra super JS - Auto answer doesn't really answer the questions it highlights the answer green and sometimes this only works in classic mode,also only bot flooder and Auto answer work currently more coming soon!
Kahbonk JS - Kahoot mod menu, free code is 1978
KahbonkBetaTesting JS - stupid feature testing for my kahoot mod, do not expect the features to all work.