Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
LeetCodeRating|EnglishJS-LeetCodeRating The score of the weekly competition is displayed, and currently supports the tag page, question bank page, problem_list page and question page
leetcodeJS-leetcode plugin
Leetcode problem acceptance assistantJS-Show the problem's acceptance on the problem page
leetcode_acProblems_undisplayJS-undisplay ac problems in leetcode
leetcode-hide-lockedJS-hide locked problems in LeetCode
Tool for leetcode.comJS-This tool shows tables on database problems after you submit a wrong answer, so you don't need to read their unreadable JSON representation of tables.
LeetCode Unsolved (non-locked) Problem NumbersJS-Show Number of Solved/Unsolved/Total Non-locked Problems on Leetcode
Simple Print LeetCode ProblemsJS-Removed unnecessary elements in the page for a clear PDF print of the leetcode question only
leetcode hide premium problemsJS-Hide Premium Problems on Leetcode
Show Number of LeetCode Unsolved ProblemsJS-Show Number of LeetCode Unsolved Problems for the new style
Leetcode Contest Language reavealerJS-The primary aim of this script is to identify in what coding language the user has written the code. For v1, I only consider the first r###lt.
Better Statsbar (LeetCode)JS-Show the total number of questions per difficulty in LeetCode's statsbar.
Leetcode ProblemSet Stat Better DisplayJS-To better display Leetcode ProblemSet Stat; to hide and dismiss the locked problems.
Do not redirect to ##### Version WebsiteJS-try to take over the world!
LeetCode Helper for JavaScriptJS-try to take over the world!
Leetcode TimerJS-Start a timer whenever a user loads a problem at
Leetcode problem pass rateJS-Add the pass rate of Leetcode problems.
Leetcode invisibleJS-A script to hide Leetcode question difficultly
Leetcode Contest Language revealerJS-The primary aim of this script is to identify in what coding language the user has written the code. For v1, I only consider the first r###lt.
LeetCode Focus ModeJS-just focus!
Leetcode solution screenshot helperJS-try to take over the world!
LeetCode - Bring back Submit Code shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)JS-See:
Leetcode relative line numberJS-Make relative line number available on leetcode
LeetCode AC music feedbackJS-LeetCode AC play music 《Good luck》
Leetcode 助手JS-禁英文站跳中文站,增加中英站互跳按钮,删除中英站一些广告,复制题解与描述
Leetcode PointsJS-see monthly progress of leetcode points
leetcode-example-output-checkerJS-Check if "Run Code" r###lt is correct when "Use Example Testcases" during LeetCode contests.
leetcode2acwingJS-Redirect LeetCode problem site to Acwing solution site.
LeetCode Contest: Open All ProblemsJS-Add an "Open All Problems" button on the LeetCode Contest page. Note that Pop-up windows need to be allowed in the web browser.
LeetCode Contest: Open at leetcode.cnJS-Add an "Open at" button on the LeetCode Contest page.
LeetCode discuss solution automatically filters JSJS-Easy-to-edit userscript to filter solution tab for Leetcode solutions. In the example it filters to Javascript
hideLeetCodePlusJS-Hide Leetcode Plus Problems
LeetCode solution article widenerJS-Add a toggle to widen the solution articles to view long code easier.
Auto start LeetCode timerJS-Automatically start LeetCode official timer.
Leetcode EnhancementsJS-Leetcode Enhancements. 1) Use Go Mono for Console. 2) Press Ctrl+E twice to reset the problem.
Leetcode solution's saverJS-Script saves the file to a folder with corresponding difficulty, name and file extension
LeetCode TurboJS-Replace monaco with vanilla textarea.
Copy Leetcode QuestionJS-Copy question text from Leetcode
LeetCode sendBeacon fixJS-fix LeetCode in Firefox
Remove locked problems from leetcode.comJS-try to take over the leetcode site!
Leetcode auto delete local submissionsJS-Useful when you try to solve a problem again if you don't want to see your past submission. This script removes the cache and set the leetcode language to python3 (feel free to change it).
LeetCode CN to LeetCode COM Redirector with Abort OptionJS-Redirect from to with a loading animation and an option to abort.
LeetCode Horizontal Scroll for Multi Language CodeJS-Add a horizontal scrollbar to the div container of multi programming language Code
Prevent RedirectionJS-prevent redirection by LeetCode
Extract LeetCode Question TopicsJS-Extract the Topics of a LeetCode question as a string
Leetcode Tag List Always Sort by FrequencyJS-Sort LeetCode tag list by frequency in descending order by default.
Leetcode contest tableJS-Get a better understanding of how you have performed across different contests, by getting a tabular view
Add Contest History LinkJS-Add Contest History Link to pages under
reset LeetCode editor on loadJS-Reset LeetCode on load so you wouldn't accidentally see a previously submitted solution!
Leetcode Question Difficulty HiderJS-Hide the difficulty tag on a leetcode question page with a reveal option.
Save Leetcode Problem to ObsidianJS-Save the current leetcode problem as new obsidian note.
leetcode enhanced code editorJS-unlocks Intellisense on leetcode for free
leetcode2notionJS-Save LeetCode problems to Notion after clicking a button.
Classic LC Contest RankingJS-Classic Contest Rank Page >>> New Contest Rank Page
Hide CodeJS-Hides the code editor of leetcode problems to prevent spoilers when redoing problems
Leetcode Difficulty HiderJS-Replace difficulty labels with "Hidden" and apply custom styles.
remove difficultJS-remove difficult Problems
LeetCode 10-Min TimerJS-Adds a 10-minute countdown timer on LeetCode problems.