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LibraryThing make author combining easier JS - This script moves the "Improve this author" box to the top, always shows "(never)" links, always shows the search box, prepopulates it with the author name, etc.
LibraryThing full title on work pages JS - On a work page, show the full, untruncated text of the work's title, instead of the default ellipsized behavior
LibraryThing more "editions" links JS - Add more direct links to the editions pages of works, which can be useful for combining/separating activities
LibraryThing custom author roles JS - If you constantly need to add an "Other..." type of role instead of the ones in the pre-approved list, this script will add those other roles automatically to the dropdown
LibraryThing blurber author pages JS - For each of the blurbers listed on a work, this script creates a link to their author page (assumes it exists)
LibraryThing WorldCat direct link JS - Makes a "direct" link to the work on WorldCat, similar to how the direct links works
LibraryThing add ten authors at a time JS - A shortcut for adding multiple "Other authors" inputs at once
LibraryThing profile tab JS - Adds a "Profile" tab next to the "Home" tab, like the old LT used to have
LibraryThing reply preview (HTML) JS - Shows the message that's being replied to in a hover tooltip, including mark-up
LibraryThing Work Editions Grid JS - Changes the editions display on the work pages to a sortable grid.
LibraryThing links to WorldCat on combination/separation pages JS - Adds direct links to WorldCat searches for the editions shown in the combine/separate pages
LibraryThing make Helpers Log easier to scan JS - Changes to how the log is output to make it easier to quickly scan
LibraryThing ignore articles/punctuation on combine page JS - Don't take articles ("a", "an", "the", etc.) or punctuation into account when sorting works on the "Combine Works" pages
LT Copy Book - LibraryThing JS - Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.
LibraryThing better "Combine Works" button JS - Improvements to the "Combine works" button on combination pages
LibraryThing Sort and Re-link on Combine/Separate Pages JS - Adds the ability to alphabetically sort editions and changes "separate" links so you can open them in a new window/tab.
LibraryThing alphabetize book tags JS - Sort a book's tag in alphabetical order
LT Copy Book (fixed) - LibraryThing JS - Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.