Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
1stAprilFixJS-1stAprilFix for
Anti_Robot_by_el9inJS-AutoClick "I'm not a robot"
LZTConversationEscJS-The script allows you to exit the dialog using the Esc keys
Copy User Lolz Id by_el9inJS-Copy User Lolz Id
Remove All User SVGS LolzJS-In Title
LZTLinkPreviewJS-Add preview overlay to more links in the
LZTCommentLinkJS-Add clickable link on comment date
LZTProfileHideButtonJS-Add hide button to profile page
LZTManageNotifyButtonJS-Add Manage Notify Button to member card
[Addon] LZT Stats - Fullscreen modalJS-An addon for LZT Stats that makes a full-screen modal extension window
LOLZ_Fast_Close_el9inJS-LOLZ Fast Close
LOLZ_Fast_Delete_el9inJS-LOLZ Fast Delete
LZTCDN MirrorJS-LZTCDN Mirror 02.10.23
LOLZ_RefreshJS-Lolz Auto Refresh
LOLZ_Delete Chat GPTJS-Delete Chat GPT from Threads
LOLZ_Hide_PinnedJS-Lolz Hide Pinned
[LZT] User Win ContestsJS-Zelenka Guru - User Win Contests
Remove User Avatars from LZTJS-Removes all user avatars from
cleans the ####ing proxy.phpJS-cleans the ####ing proxy.php ####!!!!
[LOLZ] RoflJS-Del Rofl Tyrik
Real likesJS-Script by Punsh
Really sympathiesJS-Lotti, Punsh
only one domainJS-edit domaines
Copy nicknames for pointaucJS-Copy nicknames for pountauc for streams
LZT_Giveaway_Support_For_Admin_VersionJS-Вы подняли свою решимость
fast report button main page 2024 v2.0 rtx ti pro max limited editionJS-Крутое расширение
BetterLZT By LolzNews & OpenrestyJS-Legendary extension for Lolzteam from LolzNews
Color Favorites for Multiple SitesJS-Script for multiple sites
Color Favorites for Multiple SitesJS-Script for multiple sites
Color Favorites for Multiple SitesJS-Script for multiple sites
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
WarningTheme LolzTeam_TopicJS-Предупреждение. Закрытая тема. LolzTeam стиль
Proxy.phpJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Theme Auto GradientJS-Set your Gradient at
стрелкаJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Auto Select No on,, and lzt.marketJS-123
для серегиJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum EnhancementJS-Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Open Thread in Modal on Right ClickJS-Open thread in a modal on right-click and close modal on outside click
Buttons for quick copying of text.Добавляет кнопки для копирования текста, позволяет создавать/удалять пользовательские кнопки и сохраняет их после перезагрузки.
LZT UpgradeJS-Some useful utilities for Lolzteam
Add "Offtopic" discussion list on main page.JS-Добавляет дополнительный блок с темами из раздела "Оффтоп" на главную страницу, динамически подстраиваясь под текущий домен.
RedirectMePLSJS-forum and market redirector
Decimal Killer LOLZJS-Decimal Killer LOLZ EN Link Combiner and OpenerJS-Автоэкстрактор ссылок for LOLZteam
Remove Snow EffectJS-mamonti
Change Like Counter IconJS-Заменить иконку
custommamonts for lolzJS-Custom mamonts falling from sky!
Exc Balance HelperJS-/
lolz thread exporterJS-thread exporter
Remove Ignored Posts and CommentsJS-Удаляет комментарии и посты с классом "ignored"
Balance ChangerJS-Скрытно меняет баланс на форуме.
Transparent LolzJS-Makes the Lolzteam forum transparent. The transparency level can be adjusted using the `transparency` variable on line 19.