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Scratch Forum Scrollbars JS - Limits height of posts or signatures and imposes scrollbars on posts which break that limit
Anonymizer for Scratch JS - Makes all users on scratch anonymous.
Love Archiver JS - Archives projects you love into a specific studio.
Comment Replacer JS - try to take over the world!
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
Scratch Swaggification Homepage Fixer JS - Fixes blurry images on the Scratch homepage that normally show up when using the Scratch Swaggification userstyle.
Scratch Forums Composer Swag JS - Adds more posting tools to the Scratch forums composer
Scratch Forums Composer Swag JS - Adds more posting tools to the Scratch forums composer
UWA Auto EzProxy Redirector JS - Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the University of Western Australia.
TEST JS - all tests for my extensions
Browser Ponies JS - Ponify Scratch!
Scratch Add-on JS - Should add a button in html source code on the forum pages
Scratch 2.0 Embedded Phosphorus Player JS - Replaces the default Scratch 2.0 project player with Phosphorus and adds the option to switch between players.
Love Scratch Projects JS - Love every scratch project you visit
60 Second Rule JS - Spams the submit button every 1 seconds until the forum post submits
Scratch Stage Positioner JS - Moves the S3.0 Scratch Stage to the left.
Scratch 3 Developer Tools JS - enhance your Scratch Editing Experience. Injects the code on the source code. Ported, based on the extension. (
time os veery important JS - Removes bright colors from the website and editor. Still in development.
Scratch 3 Developer Tools JS - To enhance your Scratch Editing Experience. Injects the code on the source code from (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Scratch Message Notifier JS - Notifies every message, checks every 2 seconds (Deprecated)
Curator Links on Scratch JS - Creates a clickable link for the curator on the front page. (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Hans5958's Follow Dashboard JS - A (ugly, but) convinent follow dashboard. Great for follow accounts. Visit to activate the dashboard. (Deprecated: Use at your own risk.)
More Links in Scratch JS - Adds links of third-party websites (that is not linked) on Scratch. (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Remove Description Box on Scratch JS - Remove the instruction/notes box on Scratch (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Scratch Stats Links JS - Quick links on profiles to and my Scratch Stats. (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Shorter Scratch Stats Links JS - Quick links on profiles to and my Scratch Stats. (Deprecated: Use Scratch Addons instead.)
Sticky Header JS - None
Scratch Upgrade JS - Upgrade Scratch and Turbowarp to the next level.
Shared Project Viewer JS - Adds a page at to see projects people you follow have shared.
Get all downloadable content from MIT OpenCourseWare JS - Get a button to download all the content from a course and lot to console
MIT WebSIS Dark Mode JS - Dark mode for
App Inventer 2 block helper JS - An easy way to operate blocks at MIT App Inventor 2.
Alterna o movimento de sprites de dragão no Scratch JS - Alterna o movimento de sprites de dragão entre MOVES.ClapHigh e MOVES.ClapLow a cada 2 medidas no Scratch.
Turbowarp for Scratch JS - Converts the project page & editor to Turbowarp versions.
Scratch Extension by YGN (@ygnills) JS - When you hover your mouse over any of your Scratch projects, it displays a card with information about that project and its owner.
Chibi JS - Load scratch extension everywhere.
projects JS - Cannot view other Scratch projects.
scratch - show unused blocks JS - adds a unused blocks tab to the debug panel of scratch addons that shows all custom blocks that exist but are not called and all that call to a nonexistant custom block
Scratch extensions JS - Funny scratch thingys
Scratch Editor Extension Maker JS - Adds a button to open an Extension Maker interface in the Scratch editor.
Scratch to TurboWarp JS - Adds a button to Scratch projects that links to TurboWarp
Bypass Paywalls JS - A way to bypass paywalls for popular news sites.
Remove Cookies JS - The companion script for Bypass Paywalls.
Mastodon Auto-Redirect To Home Instance JS - 16/08/2024, 9:48:10 am
Custom Scratch Blocks & Themes JS - Customize Scratch blocks and apply themes with a modern UI
Advanced Scratch Block Customizer JS - Customize Scratch blocks, create custom blocks, and access advanced settings.
Advanced Scratch Block Customizer JS - Customize Scratch blocks, create custom blocks, and access advanced settings with a modern UI.
Scratch GUI and Theme Changer JS - Add custom GUI and theme changer to Scratch
Scratch Custom GUI and Enhancements JS - Add custom GUI and functionality enhancements to Scratch
Modern Scratch Modifier GUI JS - Provides a modern GUI to modify Scratch blocks and create games using the Scratch API.
Scratch Custom GUI and Enhancements JS - Add custom GUI and functionality enhancements to Scratch with Scratch API integration
Scratch Block Color Changer with GUI JS - Change Scratch block colors and modify blocks in Scratch projects using a custom GUI
Scratch Custom GUI and Enhancements JS - Add custom GUI and functionality enhancements to Scratch with Scratch API integration
Scratch Ultra Modifier Pro Plus JS - The ultimate modification script for Scratch with advanced block colors, Turbo, Speed of Light modes, AI-powered tutorials, and a super complex, draggable, and modern GUI with working API integration.
Scratch Custom Blocks and Theme GUI JS - Custom blocks and theme changer for Scratch editor
Scratch Custom GUI with Block Color Changer JS - Custom GUI for Scratch with block color changing functionality
Enhanced Scratch UI and Block Editor JS - Enhance Scratch UI with custom block colors, themes, and more.
Scratch Question mark fix JS - Fix question marks on Scratch without reloading.
scratch block palate horizontal style JS - none
Admin Permission Grant JS - Grant admin permissions on Scratch
Scratch Bioとアイコン内容変更 JS - ScratchのユーザーのBio内容とアイコンを変更するスクリプト
Custom Scratch Block Maker JS - Create custom blocks for Scratch
green theme JS - 2/3/2025, 4:41:38 PM
Scratch Custom Block Injector JS - Injects a custom Scratch block, keeps it within the code box, and crashes the project
Scratch Custom Block Injector JS - Injects a custom Scratch block, keeps it within the exact code box, and crashes the project
Scratch Custom Block Injector JS - Injects a custom Scratch block, keeps it within the exact code box, and crashes the project
Scratch Tactical Nuke Prank JS - Prank script for Scratch when clicking the green flag
Scratch Wiper & Redirector JS - Wipes the Scratch front page and changes the username to "666". Redirects other Scratch pages to a specific URL.
scratch JS - игруля для скретча
scratch JS - игруляяяяя для скретч