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Markethunt plugin for Mousehunt JS - Adds a price chart and Markethunt integration to the MH marketplace screen.
Mousehunt Helper - XHRIntercept JS - XHR Intercept for MHH
MouseHunt GM JS - Automatically sounds the hunter's horn and notifies about various events in the background. Displays desktop notifications when used with Autohotkey script.
MH Maps Tweaker JS - Rearrange mice in the map
Mousehunt AutoHorn JS - Longtail AutoHorn
Mousehunt Football Player JS - Mousehunt Fifa World Cup 2014 event script, plays the soccer game for you, works only on July 09 2014 as of this moment
Mousehunt Football Player JS - The original work of GTDevsSuck is now tweaked for the last time for Mousehunt players with dozens of footballs left. This Mousehunt Fifa World Cup 2014 event script, plays the soccer game for you, works only on July 16 2014 (last day).
MouseHunt Rival Point - Extreme Toboggan Challenge JS - Get rival details, button below hints
Mousehunt Helper JS - DSXC's Mousehunt helper script.
Dark Mousehunt JS - try to take over the world!
MouseHunt - Spooky Shuffle Tracker JS - Play Spooky Shuffle more conveniently by keeping track of what you've already uncovered
MouseHunt - Tournament Time Helper JS - Automatically converts "Begins in:" to your local time as well as adding the end time for tournaments.
MouseHunt Auto Horn, Super Sweet and Simple Solution JS - SSSS horner
MH Golden Egg Identifier JS - MH Golden Egg 2018 Spring Egg Hunt identifier
MouseHunt - Display Hunter ID on Profiles JS - Display the Hunter ID at the profile page (even for hunters that you have not added). Useful for inviting a person to your map without asking for their Hunter ID.
MouseHunt - Display Converted Charms Thumbnail JS - Adds a thumbnail showing the charms obtained from Unstable/Torch/Treasure Trawling Charms.
MouseHunt - Sum Up Living Garden Essences JS - sums up looted living garden essences so you can see how many aleth you just looted
2020 MouseHunt AutoBot JS - An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt
MouseHunt - GWH Golem Names JS - Adds fun and quirky names to your Snow Golems!
MouseHunt - GWH Map Color Coder JS - Colour codes the mice on the GWH map according to the decorations needed to attract them.
MouseHunt - Snowball Showdown Helper JS - Tool to help with Snowball Showdown puzzle boards
MouseHunt - Gifting Buttons JS - Adds buttons to easily ignore, accept, or return all free gifts
MouseHunt - TEM Catch Stats JS - Adds catch/crown statistics next to mouse names on the TEM
MouseHunt - Marketplace UI Tweaks JS - Adds useful features and tweaks to the Marketplace rework
Mousehunt Birthday Map Color Coder JS - MH Birthday event map colour coder
MouseHunt - Bulk Map Invites JS - Easily invite many friends to your maps
Mousehunt Deep Run Assistant JS - A userscript that helps you check if you have failed a Deep Run
MouseHunt - SEH Loot Counter for Hunting Log JS - Counts the number of unique loot you have in your daily hunting log.
MouseHunt - Wisdom Stats JS - Displays your wisdom stats in the HUD
MH: Profile+ JS - Community requested features for the tabs on your MH profile.
MouseHunt - Location Catch Stats JS - Shows caught and uncaught mouse breeds for every location
MouseHunt - Eggsweeper Helper JS - Tool to help with SEH Eggsweeper puzzle boards
MouseHunt - Open "All but One" Kits/Spring Eggs JS - Adds an open "all but one" button to your kits and spring eggs which have > 2 quantity.
MouseHunt - Mapping Helper JS - Map interface improvements (invite via Hunter ID, direct send SB+, TEM-based available uncaught map mice)
MH: Labyrinth Door Data Collector JS - Mousehunt data collection tool for avilible labyrinth doors
MH Timers+ JS - Handy script to keep track of the various MH location timers
MouseHunt - Favorite Setups JS - Unlimited custom favorite trap setups!
MouseHunt - Sort charms by quantity JS - Sort charms by quantity
MH: Warpath Wave Calculator JS - Keeps track of remaining wave mice to help you manage the wave.
MouseHunt - Geyser Map Helper JS - Colour codes the mice on the Geyser Map according to hunt area
MH: Valour Rift HUD Enhancer JS - Changes the text that appears in the Valour Rift hud tooltips to give you the info you actually want to see
MouseHunt - GWH Map Color Coder JS - Color codes mice on GWH maps according to decorations & cheese
MouseHunt - Event Reward Tracker JS - Tool that tracks bespoke event rewards (e.g. GWH & Birthday) for analysis
MouseHunt - Send Supplies Search Bar JS - Adds a search bar to make sending supplies easier
MouseHunt - Birthday Map Color Coder 2021 JS - Color codes mice on birthday maps according to decorations // & cheese. Based off tsitu's work.
Refresh page every 20 minutes JS - try to take over the world!
MH - Show Trains JS - Shows you the upcoming train schedule even when your on the train. Originally found at
MH - Iceberg Progress Info JS - Originally found at
MouseHunt - QoL Utilities JS - Miscellaneous utilities to turbo-charge your MH experience
MH: Living Garden HUD Enhancer JS - Quick travel buttons for the Living Garden area locations. More features comning soon.
MouseHunt Custom Themes JS - Change your hunter's journal to use custom themes (only works locally)
Mousehunt – Lucky Golden Shield Duration Indicator & Warning JS - Directly show LGS duration remaining and warns when it's near expiry
[MH] Recall Droid Total Enerchi Calculator JS - Calculate how much enerchi you will have in total if you retreat now
MouseHunt - Floting Islands Priority Calculator JS - Floting Islands Priority Calculator
Mousehunt Sky Warden Tracker JS - Floting Islands Priority Calculator
Mousehunt Ultimate Horn JS - Just to sound horn, nothing fancy, but it bypasses the king's reward.
MH: Floating Islands HUD Enhancer JS - See more thing on your floating islands HUD!
MouseHunt - Show Adventure Book JS - Adds a button to show adventure book under kingdom dropdown
MH: Inventory History JS - This script allows you to record your inventory and catch stats to be able to compare them over time.
MouseHunt - Sky Pirate Map Colour Coder JS - Color codes mice on sky pirate maps according to type
MouseHunt - Shop's Helper JS - Adds useful features to the shop
MH Rank-up Forecaster (Discontinued due to v2.0) JS - Predicts the rank-up date
MH - BWrift Portal Tracker (Public) JS - Tracks and upload data on Bwrift Portals
MH - Map Crown Display JS - Adds catch/crown statistics next to mouse names on the map
MH - BWrift HUD Enhancer (Items + Charms) JS - See and change charms on your bwrift HUD!
MH - Maptain Tool JS - Maptain Tool: Send SB and Map invite in a click!
BWRift Loot Tracker JS - Tracks BWrift Loots
MH - Rank-up Forecaster (v2.0) JS - Records wisdom data over time and predict rank-ups!
MH - Disarm Cheese/Charm Buttons JS - Cheese/Charm disarm buttons
MH - Quick Travel Tool JS - Travel + Arm last saved setup in a button!
MH - Consolidated Map Colour Coder JS - Colour code your maps
MH: M400 Hunting Helper JS - Adds the ability to one click travel to the next m400 assigment location
MH - Sky Palace Slot Machine Tracker JS - Tracks Sky Palace Rolls
MouseHunt - Hween 2021 Trick/Treat map colour coder JS - Color codes mice on trick/treat maps according to type
Halloween QoL JS - add cancel buttoms for queues
MouseHunt HUD Backgroundifier JS - Change the background of (almost) everything on (But why? What possessed you to seek this out?)
MH: Halloween Brew Helper JS - Convenient buttons to help you instantly brew Evil Extract.
MH: Detailed Time JS - Adds seconds to the top journal entry.
MouseHunt - GWH 2021 Naughty/Nice map colour coder JS - Color codes mice on Naughty/Nice maps according to type
MH Region Quick Travel JS - Adds a travel toolbar to the HUD to make traveling between areas in the same region quicker and easier
Mousehunt Birthday Map Color Coder 2022 JS - MH Birthday event map colour coder
MouseHunt - Empyrean Sky Palace Map Colour Coder JS - Color codes mice on sky palace maps according to type
MouseHunt - Poweruser QoL scripts JS - dabbling into scripting to solve little pet peeves
MouseHunt - Favorite Setups+ JS - Unlimited custom favorite trap setups!
MouseHunt - Empyrean Sky Palace Treasure Map Mice Categorizer JS - Categorize missing mice
MouseHunt - QCGT Map Colour Coder JS - Color codes mice on qcgt maps according to type
MH - Censor Journal Names JS - Adds toggle button at top of journal to blur out names of friends/mapmates in *most* journal entries. For privacy-conscious screenshots!
MH - Enable tooltips for item favorites JS - Enables item description tooltips on hover for favorited items in the trap selector
🐭️ MouseHunt - Item Links JS - Adds a drop rate table from MHCT, links to the MouseHunt wiki, MHCT looter, and Markethunt, as well as various other features to the item view page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Item Quantity Fix JS - Fixes the "You Own: 0" bug when viewing an item info page.
MouseHunt Enhanced Search (Beta) JS - Improve the search logic of search bars in the game
MH - Minluck & CRE tool v2.0 (new) JS - Shows hunt statistics on the camp page
MouseHunt Hyperspeed Travel JS - Because regular travel isn't nearly fast enough
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Mice JS - Adds an attraction rate table from MHCT, links to the MouseHunt wiki and MHCT, as well as various other features to the mouse view page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Minluck & Catch Rate Estimate JS - View the minluck and catch rate estimate, right on the camp page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Gifts / Gift Buttons JS - Adds buttons to easily accept and return all daily gifts.
🐭️ MouseHunt - No Sidebar JS - Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available, like on mobile.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Lucky Catch Icon JS - Upscales the Lucky Catch icon so it isn't so blurry.
MH - Estimate Pond Drops JS - Simple projection for potential drops per current quantity of cheese in prologue pond