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Pytems JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
Infinite Craft Helper JS - A script that adds various useful features to Infinite Craft.
Infinite Craft auto maker -bugged JS - Very fast automatic item explorer for infinite craft with a specific item
fire deleter,and 🐛 emoji adder JS - 13.08.2023, 17:12:06
The Password Game (TAS Userscript) JS - TAS Userscript for The Password Game (I compiled it myself to save you all time) All credit goes to the original owner of the script, once again, I did not make this script, I just compiled it to save all of your time. Sourcecode:
Infinite Craft Autosave - Deprecated JS - Autosave script for Infinite Craft on Edit: Neal has added autosave for both elements and discoveries, if you have crafted a new item after then and the thing saved you do not need to use this script anymore. However, to save discoveries made before the change, you need to download the current version (2727) and reload the page once.
Infinite Craft - Clipboard Save/Load JS - Modified from code by @Andrew_Haine. Saves your stuff to clipboard so you can transfer it across devices.
infinite craft tweaks JS - recipe tracking + other various tweaks for infinite craft
Infinite Craft - Double click to Duplicate - Deprecated JS - Deprecated - Neal added this feature natively better lol
InfiniteHaxx JS - Infinite Craft hacks, lets you add custom elements.
Infinite craft QOL JS - Infinite craft Quality of life scripts
AddItems JS - Adds a simple item adder into the game.
Infinite Craft FastChet JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
Infinite Craft Element Cheat JS - Adds a visual GUI for quickly editing your browser's local storage, allowing you to add whatever custom object you want.
Infinite Craft Tools JS - Tools for infinite craft
Infinite Craft FastCheat JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
Infinite Crafting JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
Add Elements to Infinite Craft JS - Automatically add elements to Infinite Craft page and prevent reloading
Neon Hydrogen JS - A modification for Infinite Craft that adds neon-looking elements. Based on the Hydrogen theme by LofiHD.
Location Fineder for JS - Bot for site that allows you to skip all unnecesarry locations until you find your desired one!
Infinite Craft FastCheat JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
Infinite Craft JS - Save and Load Script for Infinite Craft
InfiniteCraft Pytems++ JS - Improved UI & Script for Infinite Craft Itemdata Editor
Infinite Folders JS - A modification for Infinite Craft that adds folders. Composed entirely by @coolkase (
Infinite Craft 5 Button Cheat JS - ads a menu button for quick cheats and access to everything
XMOD - - Infinite Craft JS - Make your own element in Infinite Craft!
Infinite Craft Helper - No Text Challenge JS - Infinite craft No Text Challenge using Infinite Craft Helper
Sun vs Moon Auto Click (Switchable) JS - Automatically clicks either the Sun or Moon Button on pressing "S" and Stops Clicking on pressing "M" on
Infinite Crafting JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
Infinite Craft Rarity Highlighter JS - Highlight words with rarity based on difficulty when dragged out of the panel
IC Recipe Discoveries JS - Adds indication if you were the first to get a recipe in Infinite Craft
IC Instance Restore on Ctrl + Z JS - Undo a craft with Ctrl + Z and redo with Ctrl + Y
Infinite Craft Helper - Enhanced by ChatGPT JS - Adds helpful features to Infinite Craft, inspired by other user scripts but with added functionality.
IC Delete with regex JS - Delete Items with RegEx
IC Block with regex JS - Block Item Creation with RegEx
IC save API recipes JS - Save recipes in IC Helper when using API in console
IC Auto Crafter JS - Automatically craft by inputting a lineage.
Infinite Craft More Pins & Colored Tabs JS - Create tabs to group items and color them for organization.
IC Private Server JS - Hooks Infnite craft up to my private server
Stimulation Splitter JS - LiveSplit Auto-Split support for Stimulation Clicker!
IC Save Instances JS - Makes Infinite Craft save instances
TMonkey InfiniteCraft JS - Create and Manage items in infinite craft, ALSO DONT CHANGE THE THANKS MESSAGE THIS WAS HARDD WORK
Insert elements JS - Insert random elements to space
Infinite Craft Element Cheat JS - Add "Elements" just in a press of K!