Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
furigana remover 2 JS - Remove furigana from itazuraneko/djt online novels
Rotator Speed JS - Claim from SpeedSatoshi's faucets
Views/Follow Ratio [] JS - Displays Views/Follow ratio
"Someone followed SomeoneYouFollow" hider [] JS - Removes "Someone followed SomeoneYouFollow" from feed
See unfollows [] JS - See people who unfollowed you. Also shows when people change their site name.
Onge's Neocities Feed Enhancer JS - a simple script that enhances the neocities feed.
Delete Node JS - Removes the broken icon
Alterar atributo action do formulário JS - Altera o valor do atributo action do formulário #tsf
2013 google logo JS - Flattens the logo
2012 google logo JS - unFlattens the logo
2012 google logo fix JS - deFlattens the logo
Google logo fix neocities JS - deFlattens the logo
2013 google logo for vanced neocities JS - Flattens the logo
Excluir nó na página do Vanced YouTube JS - Exclui o nó <span class="gbts">Drive</span> na página do Vanced YouTube
Change the black bar text JS - Change the bar text
Change the black bar text2 JS - Change the bar text
Change the black bar text3 JS - Change the bar text
Change the black bar text4 JS - Change the bar text
Change the black bar text5 JS - Change the bar text
ChangeYear JS - Description goes here
Add Drive Link JS - leave blank
Change Text to "More" JS - Blank
Remove Promo Div JS - Removes the promo div from the page
Image Replacement JS - Replaces the image source on specific websites
2012 google logo for vanced neocities JS - unFlattens the logo
Add calendar add drive links JS - Add custom nodes to YouTube header
Add Drive to YouTube Header JS - Adds Drive link to YouTube header menu
Add Drive before more JS - Adds Drive link to YouTube header menu
Add Drive to Google JS - Adds Drive link to YouTube header menu
Disable Border Top Color JS - Disables border-top-color in the specified element
Disable Border Top Color 2 JS - Disables border-top-color in the specified selector
Change Color in Selector JS - Changes color in specified selector on sites including a specific URL
Change Color in Element fix JS - Changes color in specified element on sites including a specific URL
Change Color in Selector 2 JS - Changes color in specified selector on sites including a specific URL
Change Border Bottom Color JS - Changes border-bottom color in specified selector on sites including a specific URL
Change Border Bottom Color fix 3 JS - Changes border-bottom color in specified selector on sites including a specific URL
Add plus Node JS - Adds a custom node to the specified location on the website
You + Google Menu JS - Adds a custom node to the Google menu
You + Google Menu apt 2 JS - Adds a custom node to the Google menu
Google Height Changer JS - Changes the height to 50px in the category .form-cont on the node <div class="noticebar"><div class="nbpr"></div></div>
Google 2014 Part 5 JS - Changes height: 70px; to height: 50px; in the category .form-cont on the node <div class="noticebar"><div class="nbpr"></div></div>
YouTube Height Changer JS - Changes height: 70px; to height: 50px; in the category .form-cont
Google 2014 part 6 JS - Changes height: 70px; to height: 50px; in the rule .form-cont
+You Google Menu 2014 JS - Add custom Google menu item to Vanced YouTube page.
2014 Google Neocities Part 7 JS - Add custom Google menu item to Vanced YouTube page.
Old Google Redirect Message Replacement JS - Replaces the old Google redirect message with a new one.
Google 2014 part 7 JS - Changes background color and border-bottom of a specific div on YouTube.
Google 2014 Part 7 JS - Changes the Google logo height on the specified page.
Modify Footer Element JS - Changes the specified footer element on the page.
Replace Footer Element JS - Replaces the footer element on the page with the new one.
Unblur logo on 2015 JS - Replaces the YouTube image source with the modified one.
Google 2014 part 8 JS - Replaces the footer on Vanced YouTube website.
Replace Footer for Vanced YouTube JS - Replaces the footer on Vanced YouTube website.
Replace Footer for Vanced YouTube 2 JS - Replaces the footer on Vanced YouTube website.
Change Min-Height for Vanced YouTube Footer JS - Changes min-height property on Vanced YouTube footer.
Change Color Code on Vanced YouTube JS - Changes color code on Vanced YouTube website.
Change Color Code on Vanced YouTube apt 2 JS - Changes color code on Vanced YouTube website.
Change Color on Vanced YouTube apt 3 JS - Changes color on Vanced YouTube website.
Scorable follower count [] JS - See approximate "scorable follower count", which is the count that's used in site top