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Chromebot - nitro type bot JS - Nitro typer auto typer for chromebooks (works for windows and mac as well)
Auto Typer for Nitro Type JS - Auto Typer for Nitro Type by Sing Developments. Enjoy!
Nitro Type Car Hack _ Literally get ALL the cars JS - Literally get all the nitro type cars. Unfortunately though, we aren't able to sell / or use the cars on race.
Nitro Type - Safe Space JS - Replaces the Race Track with a Typing Test Lobby Chatroom. Choose which users to mute and block, it's your "safe space".
NitroType Auto Reload JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
NitroType Perfect Nitros JS - Highlights the largest words for perfect nitros.
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy!
Dogeware--- (Advanced)Nitrotype Cheats/PauseGame/Radio/Autotyper/Crashkey JS - Advanced Nitrotype Cheats
NT Gold For Free JS - Gives you NT Gold look on Nitro Type garage page!
Nitro Type "Leaderboards" button JS - Using this script you are able to have the Nitro Type "Leaderboards" button back on the navigation bar since it was just moved to the dropdown box – where you can still acces it, but not as easy as it being on the leaderboard..
Nitro Type - Racing Mini Map JS - Displays a mini map of the Race Track.
You got it! NT Gold. JS - You will get NT gold cars everywhere in Garage on nitro type and math. (It's very shiny!)
NitroType leagues XP-races JS - Script that shows how many races you need to beat player above you in league (approximately)
Nitrotype Auto Typing Bot JS - Automatically types during Nitrotype races with customizable settings.
Made for Dragon Typer - Garage full of Wampus cars! (Nitro type) JS - Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type.
Nitro Type Streamer Mode JS - This script allows you to embed a Nitro Type (or other) YouTube livestreams on Nitro Type – live chat and live video. That way when you're racing on Nitro Type, you don't have to switch back and forth trying to see who's in the chat... TRY IT OUT.
Nitro Type Leaderboard Button V2 JS - This script adds a "Leaderboard" button to your nitrotype nav bar. Once you click the button, it takes you to a google spreadsheet of the leaderboards
Nitro - MOTD Offensive Filter Reason JS - Displays the possibly offensive word on MOTD using a dictionary of banned words.
Nitro Type - Racing Stats JS - Displays various user stats below the race track.
Autokey helper script - nitro type bot JS - This script is used for copying the text on to the clipboard. It works in co-operation with the Autokey app. Autokey will then type the text which this script copied. It will do so for each race that you set it to do. Autokey will be found on my site This script is NOT an auto typer by itself. It just copies the text for Autokey to type.
Nitro Type - Add Visual Cash ($999,999,999) JS - Changes The Number of NT Cash Visually (Only Visible for You and is not Real)
Nitro Type - Custom Race Text JS - Lets You To Change The Nitro Type Race Text to ANY text you want
*Nitrotype Ad Blocker JS - This script blocks all ads on nitro type on all pages.
Nitro Type - Show Daily Races JS - Displays the number of daily races completed by each member of a Nitro Type team in the team roster table on the Nitro Type team page.
Get Custom Titles For Nitro Type JS - Nitro Type Get Custom Titles
Nitro Type - DPH configuration JS - Stats & Minimap & New Auto Reload & Alt. WPM / Countdown
Simple Nitro Type Auto Typer JS - UserScript Metadata Block: This block contains metadata about the script, including its name, namespace, version, description, author, and matching URLs.
L_0R3NX0 NitroBot JS - cool bot lol
MICHAELS GAY BOT JS - a gay bot made by gayness
NITROTYPE BOt JS - final version, no more updates
Ardre6 bot JS - LET WIN
MICHAELS GAY BOT JS - a gay bot made by gayness
Nitro Type Infection Hack Bypass JS - Copy the code and paste it into tampermonkey for the hack bypass
Lil_Landen | Bot for BHMS students JS - The Best NT Menu
Nitrotype Prankmod JS - A script that you can prank your friends with. This is my Friends account. BuZzKiLl Is me SH/\DOW is him
NitroTypeCheatScript JS - This script displays the text to type in - S. S. Narr
Nitro Type "Updates" navigation button JS - There's a new nitro type page, the "Updates" page. However it doesn't have "Updates" on the navigation to go to that page. You can use this script so you can access the "Updates" page easily like any other nitro type pages.
Nitro Type "invite all friends" button. JS - When you want to invite friends to a race on nitro type, you have to click on each checkmark to invite all of them. But with this script, it'll check all the checkmarks for you. So the only thing you have to do is click on the "Invite friends(x)" button.
Nitro Type winner. JS - Nitro
Nitro Type default cursor to a random Nitro Type car changer JS - Every time you click on the page, or refresh page, the cursor changes to a random Nitro Type car.
Get Emojis Into Your Nitro Type Name JS - Get Emojis Into Nitro Type Name
Nitro Type World Wide Chat (new) JS - An embeded chat that lets you chat with all the Nitro Type players that install this script. (new)
Verified YouTuber Badge JS - Enjoy!
ilikefrenchfries badge/New York JS - Enjoy!
Nitrobot JS - Try to take over nitrotype!
Nitro Type - Start Friends Race JS - Auto-start a friends race by hitting Enter!
2GRS Team Badge JS - Enjoy!
SSH Badge JS - Enjoy!
Liberty 2014 Mantaray! 40k race car JS - Enjoy!
RXV Team Badge! JS - Official Team Badge of RXV!
Corona_Karen YT Badge JS - Enjoy!
NT Vibrant (New) JS - Reworked it. A vibrant remake of the entire NT website, making the dark parts look much better. If you have any suggestions or if I messed up and didn't notice please DM me via Discord. Thanks!
back to Nate Dogg JS - back to .
Nitro Type stats on race page JS - This script will put the nitro type stats page on the nitro type races page, so you can directly see it from there. Idea by Nate Dogg
Nitro Type random race text color JS - Chnage the color of the text on the race page randomly.
Nitro Type Fortune Teller JS - Tell you fortune every time you enter Nitro Type
Season Leaderboard | Nitro Type JS - Displays the Season Leaderboard along with Last 7 days.
Nitro Type Race Stats V2 JS - Get your stats displayed while racing! Idea © Nate Dogg
Nitro Type Stats Button JS - This script adds a "Stats" button to your nitrotype nav bar.
Race Result Points Nitro Type JS - Shows Points earned from the race.
NitroType Auto Reload for friend's races JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of friends races. to adapt it to go with your link change the @match section of this code to your racer link instead of the one that is currently there
Nitro Type Race Stats V2 | ND JS - Get your stats displayed while racing!
Nitro Type - Race Result Enhancements JS - Shows NT Season Points earned and Skipped Characters (Nitros) Used on Race Result screen.
Nitro Type - Team Member Banned Label JS - Displays "BANNED" or "WARNED" next to the player with either status.
Nitro Type - Racing Accuracy Alt Metric JS - Changes the Accuracy score based on errors against the whole typing test.
Nitro Type - Race Ghost Cursor JS - Displays the leading opponent's position on the Typing Test.
Nitro Type - Sandbagging Tool JS - Displays a WPM countdown allowing you to closely reach your intended sandbagging target.
Nitro Type Leaderboard Button JS - This script adds a Leaderboard button to your NitroYype navigation bar. Once you click the button, it takes you to the NitroType leaderboards page
Sticker Stan Button JS - Display Sticker Stan for the season header. Click on the button to open the shop
Nitro Type Glitched Window Style! JS - It looks like you are on window. But way cooler!!!
KingLegend Custom Style 2.0 JS - KingLegend Custom Style. Originally made by Nate Dogg. But I changed some of it and wrote it as an userscript
Nitro Type - Auto Refresh Mobile Trick JS - Auto Refresh Race by using 2 browser tabs and spoofing as mobile. Doing this preloads the race page and websocket connections.
Nitro Type - Auto Close Reward Popup JS - Closes the Reward Popup automatically on race pages.
Nitro Type - Donation Racer Profile Link JS - Displays the Nitro Type user link who donated cash.
NitroType Perfect Nitros JS - Highlights the largest words for perfect nitros.
Cooldudetyper1 JS - Highlights the largest words for perfect nitros.
Nitro Type KingLegend Text Style JS - nnnnnnnn
show full race track JS - shows full race track on top
Nitro Type Qualifying Text In Regular Races JS - Qualifying Text For Every Race In NT! :)
Top 300 Racer Badge (ERROR!) Don’t use anymore. JS - Get The Top 300 Racer Badge In Your garage!
A then space Nitro Type Races. *USE ON ALT* JS - A then space I guess mate, what else is there lol :)
fast races nitro type JS - press a then space and skip the second word :)
Nitrotype Bot JS - nitro type hack
ws race JS - no way
NitroType Auto Reload JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
Nitro Type Top Teams Button JS - This script adds a "Top Teams" button to your nitrotype navigation bar. Once you click the button, it takes you to the NT Top Teams Leaderboard
NT Disable Auto Reload JS - Removes auto-reload functionality from Nitro Type races
Get Custom Titles For Nitro Type JS - Nitro Type Get Custom Titles
Get Emojis Into Your Nitro Type Name JS - Get Emojis Into Nitro Type Name
Nitrotype Ad Blocker JS - Blocks the ads on Nitrotype
NitroType Auto Reload for windows 7, XP, and more (Older PC's that don't load instantly JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
botta JS - try to take over the world!2
Get More Spaces in Your Garage for Nitro Type and Math JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to add spaces to your garage parking lot.
fast reload JS - Refreshes script as soon as finished in Nitro Type!
Nitro Type Player Rank JS - Changes nitros to display rank
Auto Stickers JS - Posts Stickers Automatically in NT Race
Season Leaderboard | Nitro Type JS - Displays the Season Leaderboard along with Last 7 days.
NitroType Perfect Nitros JS - Highlights the largest words for perfect nitros.
Nitro Type Base Code JS - This is the base code for the Nitro Type website!