Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
NovelUpdates Focus JS - Focus a los capitulos
Novel Updates Filter JS - Filters table rows based on origin
Novelupdates Hiatus JS - Moves novels with more than 50 chapters into active reading list, while chapters with less than 20 available chapters will be moved into haitus.
Novel Updates Filter Tags JS - Filter Novels based on Genre
NU Scroll To Chapter List JS - Make NovelUpdates scroll to the chapter list automatically when you click on pagination
NU Auto Show Last Read JS - Automatically move to last read chapter when opening a series page, but not when manually browsing chapter list pages.
NU Start or Continue Reading Button JS - Adds a start or continue reading button. The Start Reading button will add the series to your default list and open the very first chapter link. Continue Reading will open the chapter immediately above your last ticked chapter.
Novel Updates Filter R###lt by Country JS - Filters novel update r###lt by country
Novelupdates External Links JS - Adds external link search to NovelUpdates. Based on quin15 scripts.
NovelUpdates Warning for Hiatus, Axed, Discontinued, etc. JS - This will display a red warning label for any series that aren't likely to be finished due do being axed, etc. based on the status field of the NU page.
NovelUpdates Tag Sorter JS - Sort NovelUpdates series finder r###lts by tag count
NovelUpdates Tag Filter JS - Filters NovelUpdates series finder r###lts GLOBALLY to show only series with a minimum tag count (with manual filter button).
no * anywhere JS - none