Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
- Batch downloader JS - Batch download torrents from
Commie Rainbows JS - Makes Nyaa fruitier
- - Batch Download JS - Allows batch download of all displayed r###lts in one single click.
Nyaa SI Extreme JS - This script sorts searches by seeders, it also shows the description and images if those are included. Also it grays out unseeded torrents.
Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Nyaa SI Sort and Filter JS - This script sorts searches by seeders, searches r###lts containing "1080"
Download all torrents on current page JS - Clicking the link column opens all magnets on page
AniDB search for Nyaa JS - Turns the torrent title into a search for the anime on AniDB.
Nyaa Extract Links and Images JS - extract links and images from inside the description page to the listing page
nyaa wide 2 JS - makes nyaa wide
- helper JS - infinite scroll and image previews of torrents (more in description)
NyaaDeadTorrents JS - A simple script to remove dead torrents from the browse section of Nyaa.
nyaablue JS - brings blue to nyaav2 with seadex api
Nyaa2pikpak JS - redirect torrent download button to saving to pikpak
MOREtrackers JS - Adds more trackers to torrent magnet links.
Auto Dark Mode for Nyaa JS - Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
moviepilotNameTest JS - moviepilots名称测试
- anilist search JS - Turns the torrent title into a search for the anime on Anilist.
batch magnet selection JS - batch select magnet in a webpage (dmhy, nyaa), and then copy to clipboard (ctrl+c), new page(ctrl+b) for download
- DDL Search JS - Adds an search button to
Nyaa Casement JS - ~simple pleb theme~ ~Dark Mode only~
another Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Nyaa Filters JS - Add custom filters for
Add manga baka-updates links to nyaa JS - Adds manga links rating and cover from to tracker
- | Batch .torrent Download JS - Allows batch download of all displayed r###lts in one single click.
nyaa_tosho_archive_404 JS - nyaa 404 go to tosho
Nyaa Torrents Table Full Width JS - Expand torrents table to full display width
Nyaa Torrent Table Row Highlight JS - Highlight table rows on hover with a color
Nyaa MyAnimeList Search Button JS - Adds a quick MyAnimeList (MAL) search button to posts (during search and inside posts) for Anime, Manga, and Light Novels.
- magnet copy/paste JS - Copy magnet URI's of selected/searched tables