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Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question
Stack Exchange: "View Vote totals" without 1000 rep JS - Enables the total vote counts feature without requiring an account or 1k+ reputation.
Auto-Add A Comment When Closing JS - Automatically adds a comment with details of the close reason, so that the OP can see why their question may be being downvoted, and improve it, before it is closed (disabled for Duplicate, Off-topic > Migrate, and Off-topic > Other)
Hide badges I've already attained JS - Adds a checkbox to the Badges page to optionally hide badges you've already attained, from the list
Review Queue Hider JS - Hide and show individual queues from the Review page
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from and it add supports for HTTPs
Remove Stackoverflow Sidebar JS - Remove the sidebar and stretch the main content so that it fills the whole width, better when you have a browser window open next to your code and it's too narrow to see much with all the wasted space.
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter Mod JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from
StackExchange chat links JS - Adds a chat link to the left hand nav of the home page of all Stack sites followed by a lightly filtered list of recently active chat rooms
Expand Code to Fullscreen on StackExchange Site JS - Toggle fullscreen for code blocks on hover
Show Accurate View Count, Asked timestamp and Modified timestamp of StackExchange question JS - Show Accurate View Count, Asked timestamp and Modified timestamp of StackExchange question.