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WME-JumpMaps JS - The script adds in the WME links to third party mapping systems (yandex/2gis/Here/bing/etc.)
OpenInJosm JS - Open selected element in Josm
Link OpenStreetMap changesets to achavi / Open on achavi JS - Turns every changeset into a link that leads to this useful OSM change inspector.
Wikipedia CSS - UserCSS style for Wikipedia
Link OpenStreetMap changesets to OSMCha JS - Turns every changeset into a link that leads to this useful OSM change inspector.
WME JumpMaps JS - The script adds in the WME links to third party mapping systems (Google/Open Street Maps/HERE etc.)
OpenStreetMap Deep History integration v.MM JS - 2023-12-06, 13:28:50 (OSM, OpenStreetMaps)
OpenStreetMap Changeset Viewer Integration v.MM JS - 2023-12-06 @ 20:10:15 (OSM, OpenStreetMaps)
Override map filter JS - Set filter: brightness(1) on .leaflet-tile-container and adjust nav layout
Better JS - Several improvements for advanced users of
OpenStreetMap Dark Mode (filter-based) JS - Dark Mode for OpenStreetMap tiles based on inverting the colors and then rotating the hue.
OpenStreetMap IP Geolocation JS - Overrides the "Show My Location" button to provide location from IP geolocation
FacilMap OSM Analysis Tools JS - Adds links to FacilMap OSM Analysis Tools to OpenStreetMap feature and changeset pages.