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Patreon Attachment Downloader JS - Download all Patreon post attachments as a ZIP file
Patreon - sort list of memberships and make them compacter JS - Sort the memberships by the creator name and make list compacter.
Patreon Creator Activity Only JS - Hides non-creator comments on a projects Activity page
Patreon Wide Theme JS - Adjusts Patreon pages to show more content.
Patreon Pledge Predictor JS - Calculates the new patreon pledge amount
Patreon Autosize Post Editor JS - Removes the fixed height of editor while creating/editing posts
Patreon - move likes to the likes button JS - Moves like counter next to like icon
Patreon - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Patreon creator posts. Designed to alleviate stress.
PatreonExpander JS - Expand content and comments.
get free patreon content JS - Pick all the links from patreon (only the free content) and store it in a file.txt
Patreon Dark Mode JS - Changes patreons theme into darkmode
Patreon: Load and show all comments JS - On a post's page, this automates loading all the comments instead of requiring the user to click for each batch
Patreon: Sort by most liked comment JS - On a post's page, this adds a button to sort all VISIBLE root comments by most liked (then by date)
Patreon IFrame Embed Into Clipboard JS - Adds a button to turn Patreon IFrame embedded posts into custom text on your clipboard
Patreon Auto-Like on Download JS - Automatically like a post when downloading an attachment on Patreon
- link on Patreon JS - Quick link to Kemono page from Patreon
Jupiter's Patreon Tools JS - Patreon has too much clutter. Simplify it with this script. Hide sidebars and pinned posts, make posts wider, and make videos bigger.