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reddit-stream dinger JS - Ding whenever there's an update on a reddit-stream page.
Embed Images On reddit-stream JS - EmbeddedImages
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username
Scroll to Bottom, Stay Button, and Auto-Reload with Persistence and Icons for JS - Adds a floating button to scroll to the bottom, checkboxes to stay at the bottom, and to reload the page every 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds on, with persistent settings and icons for clarity.
Reddit-Stream Auto-Refresh JS - Auto-Refreshes your page every 30 seconds. Modify the script and change to any time you want.
Reddit-Stream Auto-Refresh-Faster JS - Auto-Refreshes your page every 30 seconds. Modify the script and change to any time you want.
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - Universal Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username. Caches in localstorage.
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - API Key Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username. Caches in localstorage. This version requires an API key. Enter your API Key under CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or it will not work.
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - API Key Version - Reddit-Stream Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username. Caches in localstorage. This version requires an API key. Enter your API Key under CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or it will not work.