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Anima charsheet fixerJS-adds labels and sheeit
Highlight RitualsJS-Highlights ritual spells on roll20 if you have the shaped character sheet
Roll20 Quick Character SelectionJS-Pressing the graves key (`) in the chatbox will query the character list for a Roll20 game and select the first match. Easy.
Roll20 FixesJS-Some silly fixes and 'improvements' to Roll20 because I'm impatient and a psycho
PFC ModernizerJS-Grid is pretty cool
Roll20 Boilerplate v2JS-Use this before other scripts
Roll20 Character Sheet Print SupportJS-Adds Print support to character sheet pop-ups on
The One Ring on Roll20 (updated)JS-This updates the original ( after access details for the original userstyles account got lost. This version fixes reported issues with the original, and adds a custom font for the restyled version of the character sheet.
Roll20 FX Playground ToolsJS-Improved UI for Roll20's FX Playground
Roll20 Remove Characteristics From Character SheetJS-Hides PERSONALITY TRAITS, IDEALS, BONDS, and FLAWS from CORE tab
Roll20 Enhanced Keyboard ShortcutsJS-Extends and enhances Roll20's keyboard shortcuts.
Kill Avatars on Roll20JS-Removes the Avatar Icons on Roll20
Auto Scroll disableJS-Disables middle mouse button auto scroll
Roll20 Sandbox RestarterJS-Restarts your API sandbox if it crashes. Leave open your Mod (API) Scripts page while you play and this will automatically restart it if there are errors.
Roll20 Add black border to canvasJS-Makes the canvas more visible for dropping maps in
Character Sheet Tools & StylesJS-Adding a few personal character sheet tools and styles for organization
PowerBox4e for Roll20JS-Creates a ui for roll20 that allows for importing dnd 4e character sheets and rolling powers/skills from them.
Better Roll20 - CSJS-Just a quality of life feature set for your Roll20 Character Sheet
Demiplane 2 Roll20JS-Allows rolling from demiplane character sheets in roll20.
Forged20JS-Allows rolling from forge steel character sheets into roll20.