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Seeking Alpha - Paywall remover JS - Enjoy Seeking Alpha without Paywall
News website ad removal JS - News website to remove ads, V2EX, 9to5mac, MacRumors, finviz, coinglass, coingecko, jianshu, speedtest, seekingalpha, apnews, cnn
Paywall Element Blocker JS - Blocks rendering of elements with class or id containing "paywall"
Bypass Medium paywall with google text cache JS - Redirects Medium, Towardsdatascience etc to a text-based google cache version, bypassing paywalls
Bypass paywalls with google text cache JS - Redirects websites with paywalls to a google cache version, bypassing paywalls. Based on "Bypass Medium paywall with google text cache" but does not only show text
Bypass Paywalls JS - A way to bypass paywalls for popular news sites.
Remove Cookies JS - The companion script for Bypass Paywalls.