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Enable Picture-in-Picture for Microsoft Stream JS - As per title :)
SharePointUsage JS - Show sharepoint usage at the left bottom on the sharepoint web page.
Office365 font change JS - Change the look of office 365
SPO-NoEdit JS - Hide options to edit in SharePoint Online pages
Keep Outlook Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
SharePoint - Enable List and Library Comments For Firefox JS - 18/01/2024, 09:54:30
Keep Outlook/Teams/Sharepoint Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
AP-intranet + open Email in new tab JS - AP-intranet + open Email in new tab.
AP-intranet + open Email & TP in new tab JS - AP-intranet + open Email & TP in new tab.
AP-intranet + open TP in new tab JS - AP-intranet + open TP in new tab.
AP-intranet + open localhost in new tab JS - AP-intranet + open localhost in new tab.
SharePoint List / Library ID In List / Library Settings JS - 07/10/2024, 22:38:20
Sharepoint Keyboard Shortcuts JS - More sensible keyboard shortcuts for SharePoint Stream video player