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Slack Full Theme plugin JS - Applies the side bar colors for slack to the entire application
Ignore Slack User JS - Ignore a user in Slack
Switch Slack channels. JS - Use ALT+PageUp/PageDown to navigate Slack channels.
Silence Slackbot JS - Silence SlackBot
Add video player to Slack JS - Adds a HTML5 video player when it senses a video file.
Slackbot #unlock Filter JS - filter unlocked and locked requests
Get lost giphy! JS - Remove giphy from slack
Get lost gif emojis! JS - Remove gif emojis from slack
SlackMediaDeletion JS - Delete media from Slack to save some space.
slackBePolite JS - polite greetings on slack; will automatically fill in polite greetings when focus on msg_input column
PandaCrazy Slack Helper JS - Add PandaCrazy Buttons to Slack
slack-confirm-send JS - confirm before sending messages
Slack user censor JS - Replace the messages of a special user with a tiny red bar
Slack Web Helper JS - Enhances Slack web app.
Slack Web Workspace Sidebar JS - Enable the workspace sidebar on the web version of Slack.
Hide Slack User JS - Hide / mute / censor / block specified users in Slack.
buruburu slack JS - make slack avatar vibration
pyonpyon slack JS - make slack avater jumping
Open Slack in Browser, not App JS - Automatically open links in browser instead of app.
Animated GIFs and Emojis on hover - JS - Enables animations on hover if you disable "Allow animated images and emoji" from Slack's accessibility settings / 2022-03-02
Slack No APP JS - when SSO login slack, don't wait for spin app
Slack automatic redirect (open with browser) JS - automatically use Slack in browser (web version)
Slack Login AutoClicker JS - Autoclicks on Sign In button in login page that appears every time Slack is launched
Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&Slack JS - This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.
Slack Claude Highlight For New Bing JS - Slack Claude chat highlight
Claude slack plus JS - Generate buttons to copy and paste text on Slack
Slack channel names with no workspace name JS - Remove workspace name from appearing to the right of every channel name in Slack
Slack Layout UI Restore JS - A script to restore the old Slack UI layout, reverting the changes made in the September 2023 update.
Unblur Slack Messages (+ remove upgrade banners) JS - Unblurs messages older than 90 days and removes the premium ads
Slack Copy Reaction Names and Handles JS - Adds buttons to the Slack reaction bar to copy the list of people who reacted and their handles
Remove Slack app banner JS - Remove the boring "Stop juggling tabs, download the Slack app" banner
Slack auto-open link in browser JS - Automatically clicks the "open this link in your browser"
Slack: Quick Edit Button JS - Add quick edit button to hover toolbar
No toolbars for slack lists (Toggleable), aka Fullscreen Lists JS - Hides toolbars for any given Slack List, toggleable with Command + . Useful when combined with Chrome's ability to turn any webpage into an App.
Hide Slack User 2024 JS - block specified users in Slack.
Auto Close Slack Tab on Redirect JS - Auto close Slack's "We’ve redirected you to the desktop app." tabs.
Remove notification dot from slack JS - Remove notification dot from slack favicon
Hide red dot from Slack icon JS - Hides the notification dot from Slack at all times. Rotates the Slack icon 90 degrees to confirm that it is working when you install it.
Slack Conversation Scraper & Custom Buttons JS - Combines conversation scraper and custom message buttons with smooth UI and arrow key toggle animation.
Slack Typing Notification JS - Notify when someone is typing in Slack with enhanced UI and smooth animations
Slack: Org Protocol Capture JS - Add a button to send a slack message to org-protocol
Stop Stealing My Shortcuts JS - Prevent websites from hijacking specific keyboard shortcuts, like Chrome Tab Switcher
Slack Cuddles JS - Why huddle when you can cuddle?
Stop slack from darkening on blur JS - 06/02/2025, 23:27:38
Forward Slack messages, files, and Later items to channels and threads using an invisible link JS - This script enhances Slack's forwarding functionality and bypasses the built-in button's inability to forward to threads. It works for top-level and threaded messages, canvases, lists, files, and Later items which have no built-in way of copying links to them. Set which message or file to forward by clicking the fast forward icon beside it, then click the rewind button in an input area to insert an invisible link to that item. Right-click the rewind button to clear the set item.
Slack Silence Mode JS - Disables all websocket connections in Slack,
slack auto reply in channel JS - automatically replies with everything in the channel