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AutoVerify JS - AutoVerify StumbleChat
AutoVerify and Chat Compact JS - AutoVerify StumbleChat and chat compact style
Intercept 3 JS - Intercept WebSocket messages on StumbleChat and display them
Intercept IV JS - Intercept WebSocket messages on StumbleChat and display them
Intercept VIII JS - Intercept WebSocket messages on StumbleChat and display them
Yeopardy for Stumblechat JS - The competetive game of knowledge
Hunter JS - Blacklist
StumbleChatLog JS - View raw chat log
MetaMod JS - Screensaver
SlashKickChelly JS - Automatic Moderation
Schwarze Liste JS - Blacklist for Stumblechat moderators
StumbleChat Room Enhancements JS - Adds a button to toggle the width of the chat and the size of images on StumbleChat rooms, and a meme menu button
StumbleChat Alternate Directory View JS - display all cams for each room on the front page instead of slide show. fix sorting
StumbleChat - Hide System Messages Script JS - Basic Script that hides system message in chat.
StumbleChat - Local Settings Manager JS - Import/Export backup of local settings on StumbleChat
Stumblechat quoting JS - Generate a message quote by Shift + Clicking it.
Left-handed Stumblechat JS - Makes the messages only use 1 line and sets chat div position to fixed with bottom-left alignment.
StumbleChat - Improve Chat Readability JS - Adds control over font type and size of chat messages
Stumblechat Translator JS - Intercept WebSocket messages on StumbleChat and display them
StumbleChat - Broadcasting User Counter JS - Track the number of users broadcasting in chat room.
Stumblechat Stalker JS - Intercept WebSocket messages on StumbleChat and display them in tabs, sorted by sender's handle, with minimize and resize functionality
anti-afk stumblechat hell JS - calls tokes if afk
StumbleTube JS - Play youtube videos from the chat box on StumbleChat
webcam size checker JS - Observes WebSocket traffic, getUserMedia, and WebRTC connections. Logs quality and resolution of webcams, only reporting webcam sizes.
Small Cams Stumblechat JS - Makes stumblechat webcams 320x240
StumbleBot JS - Play youtube videos from the chat box and/or add custom commands to StumbleChat
concatenated raw chat log stumblechat JS - Automatic Moderation