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SB/SV Thread-Starter Highlighter JS - This is a userscript which highlights subsequent posts by the thread-starter in the SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity forums. It also displays a short information at the top of each page if a post by the thread-starter can be found on the current page.
Xenforo Invis-Text Multi-Reveal JS - This script adds a button to reveal invisible text. The button is placed under a poster's avatar, and will only be displayed if there is transparent text in the post. Also, a dotted grey border is placed around any invisible text to denote its presence.
SB/SV Thread-Starter Highlighter JS - This is a userscript which highlights subsequent posts by the thread-starter in the SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity forums. It also displays a short information at the top of each page if a post by the thread-starter can be found on the current page.
SB/SV/QQ Expand Spoiler Tags JS - Expand spoiler tags on SpaceBattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Questionable Questing.
Xenforo invisitext JS - Make some invisible text a little more visible
Xenforo 2 Thread-Starter Highlighter JS - This is a userscript which highlights subsequent posts by the thread-starter in the SpaceBattles, Sufficient Velocity and Questionable Questing forums. It also displays a short information at the top of each page if a post by the thread-starter can be found on the current page.
Xenforo minimize threads JS - Adds a button to minimize thread forums
SV NavButtonKeys JS - try to take over the world!
SV News and Politics Restoration, Quick and Dirty JS - restore what has been lost
Per Thread Status JS - This adds a custom status field to the list of threads in the forum view. This should work on both SB/SV and probably other XenForo based forums with a bit of tweaking.
Text Filter JS - For the following sites, this will allow you to auto-filter selected text.
Smooth Scrolling JS - Smoothly scrolls the page when a button is held
SV Remove Search bar JS - here's a quick and dirty userscript to remove the search sidebar on sufficientvelocity and try to make it look like it did before
SB/SV add threadmark at top of post JS - Add button to create threadmark at top of post
Sufficient Velocity Userscipts JS - The userscript removes both instances of threadmark account, it removes the count of how many replies are left in a thread, it Remains the last page number to the word last from the number of the last page, and remove the total reply count when viewing all the threads by a user.
Xenforo Invisitext69 JS - Make invisible text more visible.
SB/SV/QQ: Threadmark Word Counter JS - Display the word count of threadmarked forum posts in the header area of the post
ChatGPT Text Definition JS - Define highlighted text using ChatGPT with improved streaming and state management
Highlight visited fanfics AH/DLP/QQ/SB/SV/FFN/HPF/PC/OR JS - Track and highlight visited and watched* fanfiction links/threads across the following sites: AlternateHistory*, DarkLordPotter*, QuestionableQuesting*, SpaceBattles*, SufficientVelocity*, FanFiction, HPFanfiction, PatronusCharm, a few old subreddits.