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search2.Taobao JS - search2Taobao
自用精简淘宝首页 JS - 精简淘宝首页广告,反正我直接搜索,也不看底下
youdaoGWZS JS - 有道购物助手
返利推广链接自动清洗 JS - 自三方购物推荐网站(什么值得买,没得比等)点击推广链接进入京东/易迅/亚马逊/一号店/当当等商城时,自动清除推广尾巴并净化cookies。支持列表详见说明。
在购物网上显示历史价格 JS - Boxz Price History Image修改版
去除淘宝低同行评价的条目 JS - 去除淘宝低同行评价的条目(屏蔽多于一个绿色的商家)
Jump to AliWangWang in 64bit Browser JS - Fix AliWangWang link can't jump in 64bit browser
淘宝登录 JS - try to take over the world!
咸鱼看图助手 JS - 清除第一个图片被app推广挡住的问题,拯救强迫症!
NoAliTrackID JS - 将淘宝客链接还原成原始网址
淘宝卖家宝贝分类id SellerCidsFinder JS - 淘宝卖家后台(旺铺)显示宝贝分类id Displays seller_cids on category page of Taobao vendor backend
爱创导购文收藏助手 JS - 保存商品详细页内容到爱创
taobao search plus JS - Auto load shop information, customize the default sort order and ui style(gird or list).
淘宝优惠券 JS - 从券多多查找淘宝优惠券。脚本非官方出品。
闲鱼显示搜索 JS - 让闲鱼显示搜索框,去掉了一些广告。
迅雷众筹抢购 JS - 迅雷众筹抢购油猴插件。自己替换最新的itemId。已是最新itemid(9月10日最后一次)
淘宝众筹项目【OneCloud玩客云】抢购 JS - 实时监控第一个可支持的¥279项目并立即进入下订单页(抢购成功后进入支付页需要手动支付)
Taobao Helper JS - Please check Chinese version
网页版阿里旺旺 JS - 淘宝天猫详情页插入旺旺聊天窗口
taobao patch JS - 修复淘宝店铺‘所有分类’页面和店内搜索
淘宝自动评价工具 JS - 淘宝买家自动评价工具,测试用
XianYu Search JS - Unlock XianYu Search
天猫录入 JS - 天猫录入(报名商家录入模板之用)
Clean URL Query JS - Trim tracking query params from URL
taobao key fix JS - remove stupid accesskey design
Download_Monitor_Shop_V2 JS - 下载生意参谋下的竞店监控数据
Download_Monitor_Product_V2 JS - 下载生意参谋下的竞品监控数据
ds自用油猴脚本 JS - try to take over the world!
Shopping website (amazon, jd, ruten, shopee, taobao, tmall) - keyboard navigation JS - [a / ←] prev page, [d / →] next page. [s / ↓] parent . Used for the product-list, image-gallery, rate-page...
Same Style JS - Taobao commodity information collection applied to Operate system
Taobao Command Parse JS - Taobao Command Parse conversion into the link
cart2excel JS - 导出淘宝/天猫购物车到excel
Bypass taobao overseas block(绕过淘宝屏蔽海外用户) JS - 当访问禁止出口的淘宝商品时,取消自动跳转
Taobao eur converter JS - Convert CNY to EUR in Taobao
Taobao - Hide register modal by Luhari JS - Hides the register modal in any subdomain of
FR:Reborn JS - Show all QCs in TaoBao/Yupoo/etc
Mobile Taobao to Desktop JS - Auto Redirect from mobile Taobao to desktop
Stores to Agent JS - Adds an order directly from stores to your agent
TaoBao Spreadsheet Easy Paster JS - Easily paste your reps into a spreadsheet
TBMarsi JS - taobao Shopping Cart Assistant.
spm_Track_Block_Tool JS - Remove [spm] track paramter in URL
Taobao - show tracking numbers JS - show tracking numbers on for easy CTRL+F
Metasearch JS - Aggregated Searcher
Web With Color JS - 上帝说:要有颜色
Direct Link JS - Replace the redirect links with direct links
手机版淘宝京东转换PC浏览器版 JS - 将URL中的 new.m 替换为 item,detail 替换为 item
Taobao Item Display Hover Text JS - Display text of elements corresponding to hover effects directly on the page, and copy it to the clipboard on click.
Highlight or Hide Specific Divs on Taobao JS - Highlight or hide specific divs and links on Taobao search results based on toggle
Copy Image SRC from Taobao JS - Copy image source from Taobao product pages
淘宝购物车信息获取 JS - Get selected items in Taobao cart
PinganGetData JS - 获取业务数据
Tao Butie JS - To get hidden subsidies on Taobao, open the Taobao app and browse the products. Copy the product link and open it in the browser to claim the subsidy and purchase the item
Automatic TaoBao URL Converter (Optimized) JS - TaoBao URL Converter optimized for faster redirection.