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The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.
TW Inventory Reloaded JS - Better Inventory and tools for The West!
TW Inventory Reloaded JS - Better Inventory and tools for The West!
The West - westernblumis Toolkit JS - Some useful improvements for The West
The West - Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
TW-Collections-DE Translation JS - German (Deutsch) Translation - TW-Collections (Hanya & Tom Robert)
TW Gold Jobs Finder (More Languages) JS - Shows a list of all silver and gold jobs!
- Import Link JS - A new link to launch the WestForts import script
The West - Market best bids JS - Market utility for highlighting the best bids!
TWeaker JS - Some little tweaks for The-West!
The West Duel Warner JS - Warns if somebody is in duel range.
The West - Cloth Calc [sk] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation for game version 1.34 or higher
The West - Block Announcement JS - Blocks the "invite a friend" announcement
TheWest Tool Importer JS - WikiTheWest Tool
The West - gespielte Abenteuer JS - Zeigt die Anzahl der gespielten Abenteuer an
TW-FriendsEvents JS - Add a button for filtering friends who wants event stuff
TW-Collections-EN Translation JS - English Translation - TW-Collections - see below
TW-Collections-PL Translation JS - Polish Translation - TW-Collections - Dun from Darius II mod
TW-Collections-IT Translation JS - Italian Translation - TW-Collections - see below
The West - Conjunto de roupas JS - Sets e conjuntos
Kick-o-matic JS - Ускоряет процесс раздачи погон (Acelera el proceso de asignación de rangos en batallas)
The West Minimap NPC locator JS - Shows the location of NPCs on the map!
TWLeoTools JS - Useful tools for The West!
TW-Collections JS - TW-Collections - see history
The West - Color tchat JS - Adds new features to the chat of The West
The West - Quick items search JS - Find sets and products quick and easy!
TW Kick-o-Matic JS - Helps to assign ranks to the players before a fort battle!
The West Dadores de búsqueda (sp) JS - El script muestra los dadores de búsqueda en un minimapa
The West - Skills Calc JS - Calculates sum of skills obtained from items
TW - RAM JS - TW - RA;
The West - Player Checker JS - With this script you can easy check status of players
The West - Item Set Manager JS - Manage your sets like a boss!
The West - Fancy Market JS - Market Utilities [Best bids and total value sold]
The West - Connection booster JS - A utility for boost connection
TW Friends Check JS - Shows list of Friends gifts (log) from current Event. TW Friends script req.
TW Fred Timer JS - Timer View for Event's free action
The West - NERD Portrait JS - Displays some useful info on the portrait
The-West Sweets JS - Cool features!
The-West Deluxe Jobs JS - TWSweets Addon - Gold and silver jobs!
TheWest-Menu JS - Gives you the possibility to rearrange the menus of The West!
TW Battle Stars JS - Who was the best fighter?
TheWest-Notifier JS - Plays a notification sound, when specified events are triggered in the browser game The West!
The West Fortbattle Tool JS - Fort battle tools for The West!
TW My Button JS - This script, just add most useful 4 button to the page!
TW Big Inventory JS - This script, just make inventory biggest!
The West Script Button JS - Chowa przycisk skryptów do opcji
TheWest - Tamagotchi PG JS - Power up your character with the Tamagothi menu
TheWest - No Edge Blink JS - Stop blinking title on Edge
The West - Sectors Name JS - Show name of the sectors during fort battle
The West - Change of interface JS - Change of interface to be able to have more scripts
TW night mode JS - The West night mode
TW Night and day JS - The West Night and day 20:00-05:00 dark mode
TW NightMode JS - The West Nightmode,pasted from hiroaki;best usage 30%
The West Chat Auto Opener JS - Automatically opens the alliance chat on startup.
The West Duel Cloth Calc JS - Calculates the Duel skill values of your opponents.
TW Accessible items JS - Add any item to be always visible on the main game screen
The West Colourful Rivers JS - Allows you to change the colours of the rivers in The West.
TW2Pro JS - javascript:void $.getScript("//")
TW2Pro tools JS - javascript:void $.getScript("//")
TW-Collections-GR Translation JS - Greek Translation - TW-Collections - see below
TW2 ready (to die) - hide loading screen JS - javascript:void $.getScript("//")
TW OnOffSwitchter ( The West ) JS - Switch Chat State
TW ingoreDenise JS - ignore denise everywhere
The West - Enhanced Fort Arrow JS - Enhanced Fort Arrow for The-West browser game
Smiley Forum for innogames JS - Expansion for the forum (Grepolis, Forge of Empires, Elvenar, Tribal Wars, Tribal Wars 2, The west)
Old Avatars the west JS - Use old avatars for the west
TW-Swap JS - Skrypt zmienia kolor twojej postaci, gdy masz z kimś rotę.
The West market rework JS - The West market report icon rework
TW Achivement Point Ranking JS - create a achivement points ranking
The West Green Swap JS - The West Green Swap 024
Vitriol JS - Automatic market-watcher script that can watch items and warn if it's available (or instantly buy them) if the price is below a set maximum value.
Dobby2 JS - Dobby
TW Chat Media Embedder JS - Enables embedding of certain images in the chat.
Clothcache Filter JS - Plugin for Clothcache to filter imports for jobs on the minimap
Auto ok klicker JS - clicks ok in tw divs
The West - Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West
- Import Link JS - A new link to launch the WestForts import script