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TradingView - Remove ads JS - Does what it says.
TradingView Charts - close Go Pro Ads JS - 3/27/2021, 11:03:36 AM
#### TradingView Ads off JS - #### all TradingView Ads off instanly
TradingView Toggle Auto hotkey JS - Toggle Auto on TradingView by Alt-;
TradingView title fixer JS - Stops the title changes on the Chrome browser tab on TradingView.
Add button to move widget bar to left side - JS - Allows user to move widgets like the chatbox to the left side of the app.
Tradingview Chatroom Premium JS - Modify the "P" to pro/pro+/premium with proper alignment
Shortcut to toggle Watchlist - JS - 11/17/2023, 8:26:39 PM
TradingView Theme Customizer JS - Customize TradingView theme colors
TradingView - Move the next earnings date back to original position JS - Move the next earnings date back to original position
TradingView: hide disconnected session popup (PC Version) JS - Hides "Session disconnected" popup. Reconnect is triggered by a mouse move
TradingView: hide disconnected session popup for a mobile JS - Hides "Session disconnected" popup. Reconnect is triggered by a touch
Tradingview: Auto Click OK Button For "Concurrent Device" Broker Warning JS - Automatically clicks the "Ok" button in specified dialog
Tradingview: remove blue border for the charts JS - Remove blue border for the charts in Tradingview
Auto Scale Active Chart JS - Press Control + A to auto scale the active chart in TradingView
tradingview market assistant JS - insert a similar style button in tradingview market page
tradingview chart assistant JS - insert a link go finviz chart link
TradingView close ads JS - Auto close ads from tradingview as of 10/2024
Remove TradingView Chat Button JS - Removes the annoying chat button from TradingView pages
TradingView Search fix JS - TradingView search fix name
Tradingview Skip Ads JS - Trying to skip Cyber Monday sale, Black Friday sale, and ads with a "Decline offer", "Competition started" or "The Leap is on" in them
Tradingview Hide Unwanted Broker List Buttons JS - Hide buttons except those for TradeStation, OANDA, and Paper on TradingView
TradingView: force panel for order view JS - Forces panel instead of a pop up for a brokers trading order view
Up-down arrows buttons for the Tradingview Mobile Site chart JS - Creates up-down arrows buttons on chart
TradingView Measure Button Click with F1 (desktop) JS - Click the "Measure" button when F1 is pressed on TradingView
TradingView: Old Dark Theme (Desktop and Mobile) JS - Changes color theme back to original dark theme
Remove TradingView India Ads JS - Script to automatically remove ads on TradingView, targeting various ad elements including dialogs, banners, and iframes.
Hide TradingView Ads JS - Says what is says