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webcamdarts color (don't use with Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby)JS-Avaiable and busy player color
Webcamdarts Dual View Streaming size for hostJS-To see your webcam and the opponent webcam in equal size. No more needs Webcamdarts Dual view for Joiner.Record Stream and auto-switch button
Ultimate Webcamdarts LobbyJS-New design for Lobby. More Space, color for active player, Friend List & Black List. View more player in lobby and some addditonal feature. Don't use with "webcamdarts" color" and "webcamdarts font-size"
Webcamdarts Dual View Streaming size for vertical screenJS-To see your webcam and the opponent webcam in equal size. Webcamdarts Dual view for Joiner in this case and activate this one.
Better Userlist in Webcamdarts-LobbyJS-Sort and search for players by avg and status
Webcamdarts statistics in englishJS-Webcamdarts redesign statistics english version
Webcamdarts Dual View Streaming NO AVGJS-Don't show average when you're playing, more focused on the game !
Average On Available Message for WebcamdartsJS-Adds the average of the player to their available message, also reloads the userlist on every available message to maximize the chance to find the user in it.
Clickable Available Message for WebcamdartsJS-Make the available message in the Webcamdarts lobby clickable
Ultimate Lobby Additional Styling for WebcamdartsJS-Additional styling for Antoine Maingeot's Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby
Awesome Lobby Overhaul Q2 2022 for WebcamdartsJS-Overhaul of the Webcamdarts Lobby layout with additional friend- and blocklist functions, heavily inspired and based on Ultimate Webcamdarts Lobby, not inteded to be used with the same or corresponding scripts.
Ranked User Search for WebcamdartsJS-Long overdue search functionality for the Equalizer, EQXL and Ladder Ranking.
Webcamdarts Game 50/50 [plus]JS-To see your and opponent webcams in 50/50 mode. No more needs Webcamdarts Dual view for Joiner.Record Stream and auto-switch button