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XKCD Title JS - Adds the very important title of the XKCD Strips below the picture.
XKCD tooltip JS - This script puts the xkcd tooltip under the picture and adds a link to It does the same work with what-if tooltips. Finally, it adds links to the printed comics sold in the store.
[grom] phpBB forum helper JS - phpBB: view user's posts and topics; cleans (tab) titles; removes ads and hidden metadata.
xkcd Arrow Keys JS - Adds the ability to use arrow keys to move to the next or previous comic/article on
xkcd buttons Alt+Transcript+Explainxkcd JS - add btns to view transcript and alt and explainxkcd
XKCD Explained JS - Adds a button to XKCD Explained in the navigation toolbar
SMBC-style keyboard shortcuts for xkcd JS - Provide previous (z), random (x), and next (c) keyboard shortcuts for xkcd just like SMBC has.
xkcd Title and Explain JS - Adds an link and the image title to comic pages.
XKCD enhancments JS - Displays the xkcd mouse-hover text when you click the comic (+date of comic submission), also adds a link to
XKCD What-if mouse-hover text JS - This script displays mouse-hover text of what-if images as simple image captions.
Explain XKCD JS - Adds Explain XKCD links to each XKCD comic page
Monospacer JS - Adds a button to make the xkcd forums posting box monospace
Username Empinkener JS - Empinkens uncoloured usernames at the xkcd forums
Xkcd Forums Tables JS - Adds ###ode tables to the xkcd forums
Xkcd Forums Time Delta JS - Finds the time since the previous post or a specified time
Xkcd Forums Edit Highlighter JS - Highlights posts edited after date
XKCD Print Titles JS - Change XKCD/what-if image alt text to captions and show reference text inline (and don't hide on click)
xkcd: Add links to comics JS - This script adds the relevant link to xkcd comics.
This Ain't A Phone JS - Automatically redirect from mobile webpages to the non-mobile equivalent
XKCD Right Click JS - Enables a new right click menu on all XKCD comics.
XKCD -- Easy Random JS - Quicker and more reliable "random comic" button
XKCD Explain Button JS - Adds a new button underneath XKCD comics to go the the ExplainXKCD webpage for that comic.
Arrow Keys: Frameless Comic-Rocket JS - Arrow Key Keyboard shortcuts for (Frameless) Comic Rocket comics.
XKCD - Display Title Below Comic JS - Display the title text ("alt-text") of XKCD comics below the comic
XKCD Explain Button JS - Add a button to XKCD comics next to the "Random" button which links to the explainxkcd for the current comic
explainxkcd links on xkcd JS - Adds links for explainxkcd
aelevenymonkey JS - Tries to improve accessibility of specific websites