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Remove Youtube Activity Check JS - Removes youtube's new "are you still there" experiment
Youtube Vollbild Titel ausblenden JS - Youtube Video-Titel im Vollbildmodus verstecken
Cerrar Ventana JS - Cerrar automaticamentes propaganda y/o paginas indeseables
yt-url-at-time JS - On youtube, use alt+` to set the url to the current timestamp, for easy bookmarking
Auto Disable YouTube AutoPlay Next Video Setting JS - Auto disable YouTube's AutoPlay Next Video setting at top sidebar of video page
YouTube Downloader - By Wígny Almeida JS - Download Audio and Video from Youtube
Youtube No-Recommendations JS - Remove Video Recommendations Completely
YOUTUBE FUCK HTML5 JS - just always focus on media player, and keys work correct
Youtube - Copy Channel RSS Feed Url To Clipboard JS - Adds a Tampermonkey menu to copy a Youtube Channel's RSS feed url to the clipboard.
Change YouTube Leftbar Subscription Links To Channel/User Video Page JS - Change YouTube leftbar's subscription links to channel/user video page. This script can optionally also move updated links to top of the list (if there's enough space), optionally uncollapse all updated links which may extend the non collapsible links, and optionally display the number of updated & total links following the "SUBSCRIPTION" section label. All features can be enabled/disabled from the script code. For new YouTube layout only.
YouTube Pic Link (Updated December 2017) JS - Adds a picture link next to YouTube video Title
YouTube Logo Replacer JS - Replace the YouTube Logo with your custom text!
Simple YouTube MP3/VIDEO Buttons JS - Add two download buttons to YouTube videos that allow you to download MP3 or Video without leaving the page with the option to choose the quality.
Stop Middle Click Hijacking JS - Prevent sites from hijacking the middle mouse button for their own purposes
YouTube Clickbait Rubbish Scrubber JS - I'm just so tired of this Rubbish. For now, this script simply marks offending, clickbaity videos with an identifier so you can be on your way.
YouTube to MP3 Downloader Button JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos which allows you to download the MP3 of the video with MediaHuman YouTube to MP3
! IMDB + Magnet JS - Show magnet and in movie detail page .
YouTube subtitle checker (search & channel pages) JS - Make VT better!!
YouTube subtitle checker (index, video & trendding pages) JS - Make VT better!!
Berkeley Youtube Maximize Lecture JS - Resize extra-wide videos, to fill the entire screen with the whiteboard or projector.
Remove youtube red from youtube homepage JS - Removes youtube red videos from the youtube homepage
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
Add YouTube Video Progress JS - Adds a progress bars (or dots) at bottom of video, a progress text which includes video quality and subtitle indicators, and a chapter title box on the YouTube video page.
YouTube uBlock Whitelist JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
Youtube Up Next Time Since Upload JS - In the up next queue on Youtube, include the time since upload as part of the displayed metadata
Youtube Downloader JS - můžeš stahovat youtube videa
Youtube Advanced Speed Controller JS - Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed
YouTube arrow keys FIX JS - Fix YouTube keyboard controls (arrow keys) to be more consistent (Left,Right - jump, Up,Down - volume) after page load or clicking individual controls.
Youtube Download MP4,3GP,MP3,AVI, 1080,720,480,360 JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
YT - hide streams on watchlist JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Auto Resume JS - Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.
MetaBot for YouTube (test) JS - More information about users and videos on YouTube.
Youtube player keyboard controls JS - Use play/pause/ArrowRight/ArrowLeft keyboard btns anywhere, but not only when youtube player is in focus. Additionaly use '[' and ']' keys to change playbackRate.
YouTube Classic for 2018 (Polymer Disable) JS - Redirect YouTube pages to the classic design
YouTube Non Material JS - Remove the new polymer theme
Youtube Tracks Info: Key, BPM & RMS JS - Displays the key, BPM & RMS of a track on youtube.
YouTube Polymer Disable JS - Suhh dude
YouTube (New Design) | Highlight First Watched Video JS - Highlight the first watched video in YouTube playlists and subcription feeds
YouTube (New Design) | Compact Subscription Feed JS - Optimized YouTube Subscription feed list view with more information on less space
YouTube: Expand All Video Comments JS - Adds a "Expand all" button to video comments which expands every comment and replies - no more clicking "Read more".
YouTube Suggested Video Hider (for YouTube classic) JS - Hide specified channels from the YouTube suggested videos sidebar (in classic view)
YT Embed Control Message Receiver JS - Control Embedded YT iFrames with postMessage
YouTube - Remove Watched Videos JS - Watched videos will be removed from subfeed
Youtube No Resume JS - Disables the resume feature in Youtube.
auto click load more JS - auto click load more useful button
Remove Recommended channels from YouTube homepage (WORKING!) JS - Unlike other scripts this one actually works!
YouTube Detailed Timecode JS - Displays a time in seconds to 3 decimal places when paused.
YouTube dark at night JS - Auto turn on YouTube dark theme at night.
YouTube - automatically expand subscription list JS - Automatically click the "Show More" subscriptions button in the side bar
Youtube2mp3 JS - This script helps to add a YouTube download button.
Youtube MP3 Download Button HTTPS JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service ( Based off magnus's youtube2mp3 code and Soulweaver's fork of it.
Compact Youtube Live Chat JS - Tiny compressed chat for Youtube
Youtube gaming switch JS - Switching between normal and gaming youtube
New YouTube Pic Link JS - Adds buttons that link to YT thumbnail images next to the title
New YouTube Green Likes Bar JS - Turns the like bar green and makes it higher, works as of 14-Aug-2021
PickVideo Downloader JS - Browser extension to download videos
Youtube No Flexy Mode JS - Disable Flexy Mode
YouTube Time Remaining JS - Display the remaining time of a YouTube video during playback.
Youtube Show Channel Name In Title JS - Show channel's name (username) in title page
Youtube loop state keeper JS - To Loop or not To Loop is Yes
YouTube, Filter Videos List JS - Filter the videos listed on a YouTube channel's videos page. Click "FILTER VIDEOS" next to "PLAY ALL" at the top of the videos list, then enter the string to search for. Start your entry with '!' to show only videos that DON'T contain that string.
YouTube, Load More Videos JS - Load more videos onto a YouTube channel's videos page without having to scroll. Click the "LOAD MORE" button next to "PLAY ALL" at the top of the video list to be prompted for the number of additional pages of videos to load. If you don't see the button, reload the page.
youtube thumbnail video pin JS - You can easly pin youtube thumbnail movie to section in the main page
auto adjust youtube video speed JS - set youtube video speed to 1.5x(you can set your own speed) automatically.
Best Youtube MP3 Converter, convert any online video into MP3 JS - Add a button to convert youtube to MP3 directly. Convert the video into mp3 with the best quality. The bitrate will be calculated precisely, which ranges from 128kbps to 320kbps depending on original file. Allows you to convert any online video into MP3 audio file. Support most oneline video sites like YouTube, Vemo, Viki, Dramafever, TED and 5000 more.
Remove annoying right column youtube JS - Removing the very time grabbing right column of youtube
Remove Youtube Autoplay JS - Remove autoplay from video suggestions on youtube
YouTube Video Downloader, Youtube Downloader, getthemall for chrome JS - YouTube Video Downloader, Youtube Downloader, online getthemall for chrome, YouTube Video Downloader for chrome. this extesion add button on youtube page. YouTube Video Downloader For Chrome, YouTube Video Downloader for firefox
Youtube Old Site Design JS - Restore Youtube's Old Site Design
YouTube LiveChat Enhancer JS - enhance livechat on youtube
YouTube Playlist Page - Show Date Posted and View Count JS - Show date posted and view count on youtube playlist page
Direct Playlist Links for Youtube JS - Simple script to change youtube playlist links (on the play list page under channels) to go directly to the playlist instead of the first video.
Youtube Music Replace White-Background Favicon JS - Replaces the youtube music favicon with a white background with one with a transparent background.
Youtube stream chat remover JS - Removes chat from a stream page!
Invidious Redirect JS - Redirects Youtube URLs to
Always show video metadata/time on YT Leanback. JS - Shows a scaled down version of the play bar and video metadata on YT Leanback (
YouTube: Stop Automatic Video Playback JS - Stop automatic video playback everywhere. Works on first page load & after navigating.
YouTube aspect ratio switcher JS - Adds an aspect ratio switcher to the player, for videos that have the wrong aspect ratio.
View More Videos by Same YouTube Channel JS - Displays a list of more videos by the same channel inline
1001tracklists in YouTube JS - Insert 1001tracklists into YouTube player
Fade+ for Youtube (Edge version) JS - Theme is now adjusted to slight changes YouTube made for grid and DOM (26.7.2018).
Fade+ for Youtube JS - Fade+ Userstyles theme combined with sidebar hiding.
Video Element Rate Controller Re-dux JS - Add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
YouTube to VideoFromAnotherWorld JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube to VideoFromAnotherWorld JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube Auto Quality JS - Adjusts YouTube quality when not focused
Youtube common improvements JS - All my Youtube scripts in one pack
YouTube Subtitle Preview JS - Know if a video has subtitles before you click.
GoogleIsWatchingYou JS - Warns with a pop-up if signed into Google / YouTube
youtube formatting fix JS - fixes whatever employee at google just did that messed up the formatting
Fix youtube layout (by /u/pop1040) JS - fixes the youtube layout
Quick YouTube Fix for /watch page JS - Fixes the new YouTube bug from today that messed up the /watch page.
YouTube Age Bypass JS - shitty but works in 2018 (requires to manually reload page)
Youtube watched hider JS - Hide already watched (progress bar at 100%) video on user's, channel's and subscriptions' pages
Youtube Video hider (to only listen to audio) JS - A userscript that hides most of the video content on youtube, so you can listen rather than watch!
Baymack JS - try to take over the world!
flamzy JS - try to take over the world!
Justin Y. nizator JS - Turns everyone on Džůvtube to Justin Y.
YuoTubeQuickDo JS - hot key: '+','-' adjust speed; 'I' rotate left; 'O' rotate right; 'U' mirror; 'R' reset