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Trello Category JS - try to take over the world!
Block reklama JS - Blokiruet reklamnuyi block na
removeFacebookSuggestedPosts JS - Remove facebook suggested posts and games
Namejs on chrome JS - enter something useful
Confirm SoundCloud leave (Alpha) JS - Shows a confirm box when closing SoundCloud tab.
CG Multiplayer Helper JS - Adds a SWAP and PLAY_100 button to IDE
Google - Middle Click Search JS - Opens search results in new tab when you middle click
82 skins JS - Add skin changing
reddit comments expand JS - when you've collapsed a lot of comment threads on a reddit thread and don't want to expand them all one by one
gh-better-monospace JS - Better github code reading experience
orlygift-expansion JS - A grease monkey script for adding functionality to orlygift.
[firstBank] Hack firstBank login for 1password JS - allow right click and set id for loginCustId
GitHub Make Tooltips JS - A userscript converts title tooltips into Github Tooltips
xkcd Tweaks JS - Some tweaks to and
Greasy Fork - Change Default Script Sort JS - Change default script sort on GreasyFork
Profanity Filter JS - Simple filtering for profanity from website text. Not limited to static text, while avoiding performance impact.
GIS Jobs Favorite JS - add clickable favorite markers to jobs in the list
券妈妈消跳转 JS - 发个脚本破事真他妈多,好烦!
YT Recommended for you DEL JS - Removing "Recommended for you"
ESPN Fantasy Football JS - Moves the projected points column next to the opponent column
Block javascript alerts JS - remove alerts
iWubbz agarlist skin change code JS - Add skin changing
The West - gespielte Abenteuer JS - Zeigt die Anzahl der gespielten Abenteuer an
google plus rtl fix JS - Fix rtl in posts and comments in google plus
Singa Extension JS - Brings new features to
Rhyii Extension JS - Brings new features to
RhyiiBots v1 JS - RhyiiBots Release v1
AgarInfinity JS - This extension modifies, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
AgarInfinity JS - This extension modifies, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
CustomChat v2 JS - Un script pour customiser la shoutbox de PMT !
CustomChat v2 JS - Un script pour customiser la shoutbox de PMT !
Updated Ad Remover for TF2C JS - Removes ads for TF2C without leaving big boxes
Tweakers Pricewatch search extension JS - Add additional search and filter functions to the Tweakers Pricewatch
Steam Store - Wishlist Exporter JS - Export your wishlist in a raw text list (applies chosen filters)
FAH Timeout Display (Chrome, Tampermonkey) JS - Display timeout and other WU related information
hide the right div on facebook app page JS - hides the right div (app ads) within app on facebook
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Inoreader (no ADs) JS - Remove AD containers from Inoreader.
Wanikani Override JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
RobuxChanger by anil JS - Script by ModderOP
Discord HIT Export JS - Export HIT information for Discord chat
Google No Redirects JS - Removes Google redirects.
Cashback Reminder JS - A reminder to check for cashback before completing a purchase online.
facebook-mod-helper JS - Facebook moderation helper
Noto Japanese Font for Memrise JS - Force the Memrise website to use Google's Noto Japanese Font
Google 搜索结果屏蔽 JS - 根据网站、网址和关键字来屏蔽不想要的搜索结果
Сокрытие старых предприятий на рынке JS - сокрытие старых предприятий на рынке
Lyon Intranet JS - Cliquer pour avoir Lyon...
TF2R Emoticons JS - This was not made by me, It was made by Hans!
Bierdopje Move JS - Allows you to move and position the blocks on the homepage.
Bierdopje Old Shows JS - Adds a menu which includes a brand new page for the older (finished) shows.
Seriesfeed Import Time Wasted JS - Allows you to import your time wasted from
Seriesfeed Importer JS - Allows you to import your favourites from
Seriesfeed Move JS - Allows you to move and position the cards on the homepage.
Seriesfeed Season Separator JS - Shows a thick line between seasons at the episode view.
Drudge Link Enhancements JS - Enhances links on Drudge Report and neuters links to fake-news sites
Whatsapp Web - Image carrosel JS - Whatsapp web media slide show!
NanoBots v2.0.1 JS - NanoBots Release v2.0.1
Weibored.js JS - remove all users you're following
Tool for JS - This tool shows tables on database problems after you submit a wrong answer, so you don't need to read their unreadable JSON representation of tables.
Gotceleb Direct Full-Size Images JS - Allows you to view full-sized images of thumbnails on a new tab with one click
fix edx JS - Fixing UX problems of Edx
Cancer+++ v2 JS - OGARio Edited
Youtube Card Annotations Disable JS - Assign an extra option to the default annotations button to toggle the new youtube cards
labStartProjectFilter JS - Отмечает в выпадающем списке запуска исследований технологии, которые уже исследуются вами
- Better Censor words JS - wildcard support [%] for censor words
WME OH Scripts JS - Recommended scripts for editing in Ohio
Better Reddit Spoiler JS - Improved spoiler formatting for Reddit
La Nacion Login JS - Quita el login de
TF2R: Smoother Version JS - Improves the layout of TF2R.
Flvcd Tweaks JS - Add a few functions to Flvcd
Wowhead Fixed Search Header JS - Makes the page header (the search box) "sticky" when you scroll.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
18AV Tweaks JS - Add some functions to 18av
清理百度搜索的广告或推广 JS - 清除百度搜索的推广和广告
清爽的控制台 JS - 自动清理控制台!
Virtonomica: фильтр для отчета "городская энергосеть" (City power grid filter) JS - Фильтр для отчета "аналитика" - "анализ рынков" - "энергопотребление" - "городская энергосеть"
Inverter JS - Inverts webpages with a hotkey
Synesthesia JS - Colors text characters to try and develop association between letter and colors.
WME South Carolina DOT Reports JS - Display SC transportation department reports in WME.
- User Stats JS - Profile a user's timeline by clicking a button that appears on user pages
Message Copier for Agarlist JS - Now you can copy messages on agarlist
Wanikani Little Pinky Protector JS - Add another shortcut to enter an answer, so your pinky doesn't get too tired!
NHN News Easy Hide Furigana JS - Hides furigana by default on the NHK Easy News site articles.
WME SC Emergency Management Closures JS - Adds a road closure layer for Sourth Carolina Emergency Management
Refresh/Clear NBViewer Cache JS - Add a button to navigation bar to refresh/clear the cache of nbviewer
WME Virginia DOT Reports JS - Display VA transportation department reports in WME.
SG Entered / Created / Won Giveaway Page JS - Added point value, creator, level, and giveaway type at Giveaway > Entered page.
iks:virtonomica Заказ на все свои JS - При нажатии на зеленую машинку позволяет без лишних кликов выставить заказ на все свои юниты
BotClons JS - try to take over the world!
13 Macros For DutchGaming HD Youtub Link Under! JS - 13 macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
Prevent off-screen HTML5 autoplay JS - Disable autoplay for HTML5 media elements displayed outside the visible portion of the page
Virtonomica: Подсветка в отчете по производству JS - Подсветка по качу производства относительно среднереалмового в отчете по производству
Trajet des gowap MkII JS - Trajet des gowaps
crbug colorize JS - Colorize bug list based on status
Nombres con diferentes colores (para Uli) JS - Cambia los colores de los nombres de la gente que tenés agregada, de los moderadores y de la persona más guapa de Argentina.
OGARio by szymy 2.1 JS - Unoffical Polish MOD
Best Tricksplit Macro JS - Never miss a tricksplit again!