
Greasyfork Set Edit+

Ajouter un script à un jeu de scripts / supprimer un script d'un jeu de scripts directement sur la page d'informations sur les scripts GF

< Commentaires sur Greasyfork Set Edit+

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 12/07/2022
Édité le: 12/07/2022

1 - Problem to add your script into my Set:
Select it, don't save it in it:
I don't see check mark like in your screenshot
Copy its Id and paste it in the "include" edit form of the set don't save it into it.

What's i am doing wrong ?
Waterfox / Tampermonkey
Tested with Firefox Quantum / Tampermonkey too (same problem)

2 - The form is too large...
see my screenshot

Posté le: 15/07/2022
Édité le: 15/07/2022

Hi decembre, I'm glad to get your feedback:)

For #1, Just Copy its Id and paste it in the "include" edit form of the set is correct but not enough. Make sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page!
First Picture

For #2, I've just published an update that supposed to solve this problem. I limited the max width of that form and I think there won't be anything too large now.

Also, I added @include to the metadata block. Greasemonkey is not familiar for me so, I hope that change works for you:)

Posté le: 15/07/2022

That's Ok:
I added it with success.
But at this time only after "Copy ID" and "Edit SET"

Normally, i know i need click the "save" button ....
Maybe it was a mistake of my part.

But Now, in the script info page (not the "Edit Set" page),
after chosen a Set, i don't see a way to save my choice.

Maybe i am blind....

Before it was so simple...
I always don't understand why Barnabe Kill it.

Thanks for this script and your update about "The form is too large..."

Should be Great if you Give it an English Name too (with translation):
More easy for no Chinese people to find your work.

Posté le: 15/07/2022
Édité le: 15/07/2022

Another thing:
I added your script in a set.
When a refresh the page of its script info page,
I don't see this set selected or highlighted or with a check mark before this set label.
to show it is now in it....

Posté le: 16/07/2022

Actually It's my own fault -_-|| This script is soooooo simple that it is designed only to add a small link to the Set-Edit page, but not to add a 'One-Click-Add-To-Set' button .... Although I've tried to make one 'One-Click-Add-To-Set' button, but I found there may be some complicated logic to add a script into one or more specific sets(I cannot find a direct API to modify script sets!). Maybe I'll try to reach it these days ....

Also, to query whether one script has already been included in any sets also needs some kind of API support. Currently without these API, the only way I can imagine to make it is to simulate human operations directly on document pages(maybe iframes or to use a new tab).

About an English name for the script, actually I've already added //@name:en Greasyfork script-set-edit button and // @description:en Add open script-set-edit-page button in GF script page but it seems not working well. Is there any problems or if I missed something important?

Thanks for your attention and explanation.
I understand a few (very few...) in dev, but i understand the difficulty to mimic the original process (which was not so evident if you remember).

About these API problem, maybe you can ask about it in the forum or directly to the Dev/owner, Mr Barnabe?

About "English name problem":
I see you have many scripts with an English name.
Copy the same process to this one ?

Anyway, PYUDNG, thanks for this useful work.

I wait your next Update!

Posté le: 18/07/2022

I managed to made an add button which is expected to add the script into the selected set in one click. Also, I tried to fix the tanslation problem. Maybe you can update and have a try, and I hope it works:)

Posté le: 19/07/2022
Édité le: 19/07/2022

Tested your last update:
Nearly fine!

More simple as process.

Stay some problem (with Waterfox / Tampermonkey):
- 1 - I don't see the sets where a script is added already
- 2 - I don't understand why with the //@include added, i can't install it with Greasemonkey 3.xxx.
Normally i can with the both present in the metadat.
but here it say "Can't install it due the //@match" !
- 3 - The translation don't work

Other idea:
Add a button to directly show / open the set selected in the list.

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