ESJ Zone:更好的用戶介面CSS-透過調整 ESJ Zone 的用戶介面來改善使用體驗。
Dark Theme for Kadokawa ######CSS-A tailor-made dark theme for Kadokawa ######.
Kobo: Hide Non-whitelisted Billing Address CountriesCSS-Hide non-whitelisted countries on billing address’ country selection.
Stylus: Fix Message Boxes WidthCSS-Fixes message boxes’ width on mobile.
queueJS(Bibliothèque)-Asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
sleepJS(Bibliothèque)-Sleep for a certain milliseconds.
style-shimsJS(Bibliothèque)-Shims for GM_addStyle and GM.addStyle.
clipboard-shimsJS(Bibliothèque)-Shims for GM_setClipboard and GM.setClipboard.
gm-import-exportJS(Bibliothèque)-Helper functions for importing and exporting stored values.
google-search-supported-domainsJS(Bibliothèque)-Exposes the list of Google Search’s supported domains as the constant “SUPPORTED_DOMAINS”.
gm-injectJS(Bibliothèque)-Inject scripts into the web pages.