Auto Dark Mode for NyaaJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Better Links UX for ESJ ZoneJS-Improve the UX of ESJ Zone by tweaking the hyperlinks in the pages.
Auto Dark Mode for HamelnJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for SimpleLoginJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
deAMPJS-AMP sucks, thus no AMP thanks. Shows Username on Login PageJS-Forces to show username on login page.
Auto Dark Mode for AniList Submission ManualJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for pixivJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for KadoKadoJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Opens “Tools” Menu by Default on GoogleJS-Opens the “Tools” menu on Google Search automatically when page loaded.
Auto Dark Mode for MirahezeJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
ESJ Zone: Blurs NSFW CoversJS-Blurs the covers of NSFW novels on ESJ Zone.
Masiro: Blurs NSFW CoversJS-Blurs the covers of NSFW novels on Masiro.
Kadokawa TW: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books at Kadokawa TW.
ESJ Zone: Notifications on MobileJS-Enable notification dot on mobile UI.
Tong Li Online: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books on Tong Li Online.
Kobo e-Books Update CheckerJS-Checks if updates were available for the e-books you own.
SPP Store: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books at SPP Store.
Auto Dark Mode for TV TropesJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Ching Win Publishing: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books on Ching Win Publishing.
Kadokawa HK: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books at Kadokawa HK.
ESJ Zone: Unify Domain NamesJS-Unify internal links to use the current mirror.
ESJ Zone: Auto Expand Collapsed ChaptersJS-Expand the collapsed, last read chapters (alternatively, all chapters) automatically.
Masiro: Auto Load More NotificationsJS-Load more notifications automatically when scrolled to the bottom of the notifications list.
ESJ Zone: Repair Non-clickable ChaptersJS-Repair chapter links that were not-clickable due to for example, author misconfigured or by-designed.
Auto Dark Mode for ESJ ZoneJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for Penana MobileJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Kadokawa TW: Shows Book Walker Exclusive Expiry DateJS-Shows the estimated Book Walker exclusive expiry date for books at Kadokawa TW.
Auto Dark Mode for Shlink Web ClientJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Google Search’s Supported DomainsJS-Makes the list of Google Search’s supported domains available as the global variable “window.SUPPORTED_DOMAINS”.
Auto Dark Mode for Change DetectionJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Readmoo: Blurs R-rated CoversJS-Blurs the covers of R-rated books on Readmoo.
Auto Dark Mode for Oracle Live SQLJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
queueJS(Bibliothèque)-Asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
sleepJS(Bibliothèque)-Sleep for a certain milliseconds.
style-shimsJS(Bibliothèque)-Shims for GM_addStyle and GM.addStyle.
clipboard-shimsJS(Bibliothèque)-Shims for GM_setClipboard and GM.setClipboard.
gm-import-exportJS(Bibliothèque)-Helper functions for importing and exporting stored values.
google-search-supported-domainsJS(Bibliothèque)-Exposes the list of Google Search’s supported domains as the constant “SUPPORTED_DOMAINS”.
gm-injectJS(Bibliothèque)-Inject scripts into the web pages.