9mm [MooMoo.io] [v1.0.1]JS
Это хороший скрипт для moomoo.io, не самый лучший, но я постараюсь сделать его как можно лучше. M - Автоматические мельницы. Q/F/V/N/H - Макросы. Всё остальное работает автоматически! Если какие-то шапки не купились сами, то вы можете купить их в магазине.
ScrollMacro Sploop.io v2JS
With this script, you can quickly scroll through the store with caps! When you click on the buttons, the store will automatically open and scroll the ScrollBar to the desired header ! Keys: B-BerserkerGear, C-BoostHat, T-CrystalGear, V-ImmunityGear.
Menu template for your scriptJS
I just did it because I'm bored... How you will use this menu depends on you! I did it for the developers of cheats on Moo Moo.io, but it can be used on any game.
KeyBoard Panel v2JS
The best public keyboard panel in Sploop.io ! Next to the inscription "MADE BY NUDO" you can change the color of the text on the keyboard and it is saved after page reload. When you press the button, the keyboard will show that you have enabled the automatic attack, and will be highlighted in blue. Also on X.
Sploop Console ScriptJS
As you already know, in sploop.io the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
Global ChatJS
You can chat with other players from all servers! When you write something in the chat sploop.io then it is shown in the global chat. (This script does not allow you to communicate with everyone, but allows you to communicate with all users of this script)
Voice Mod BetaJS
In order for everything to work correctly, you need to play on the HTTPS protocol. Allow access to the microphone! This is a beta version, so there are probably bugs here. See the commands in greasyfork description!
Voice input for chatJS
To turn it on, press F2. When the chat is open, it will work by itself. Use the HTTPS protocol of the page. You can use 2 languages [ru, en] to switch, press F8.
Your auto chat...JS
Create your own personal automated chat. To open the menu, click on the new button next to the chat button. To create a message, enter it in the input field where the timer is shown, then click on the "Create" button. To delete a message, click on the "Delete" button. You can change existing messages, just click on the text in them and change.
Анти [ Обнаружитель AdBlock-а ]JS
Сегодня я увидел окно с просьбой отключить AdBlock ._. Если у вас также есть проблема с этим, то вы можете использовать этот скрипт
Evades tracersJS
All that this script gives is a tracert to all the balls. In some cases, the ut tracers do not work correctly.. Well, don't take offense at me.. I did it in 25 minutes on my knee.. (You need to choose the red color of the skin (magnax mode) for this to work)
Sploop ConsoleJS(библиотека)
As you already know, in sploop.io the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
Special creation library for "moomoo.io ". With it, you can create scripts faster, as well as draw in it without using the game code.