There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
🐭️ MouseHunt Utils JS (คลัง) - MouseHunt Utils is a library of functions that can be used to make other MouseHunt userscripts easily.
GM_config-lib JS (คลัง) - GM_config is a user script library that allows the user to edit certain saved values through a graphical settings menu. (This is just a copy of https://github.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config to use in GF scripts)
Valkazaar Ikariam Developer Tools V0.5.0+ JS (คลัง) - Base scripting tools and data tracking utilities to simplify
fsfb facts JS (คลัง) - list of facts for fsfb scripts
UserGui JS (คลัง) - A Graphical user interface for userscripts. Creating user-friendly userscripts can be a bit challenging, as the majority of regular users are scared to touch your code. UserGui allows you to unlock your userscript to more people, and create a more pleasing experience.
STOP_IN_500 JS (คลัง) - המשך למוחק המתוק
PageAutomator JS (คลัง) - Automate the actions on the page
Yinr-libs JS (คลัง) - Useful functions for yinr
ItemSelector JS (คลัง) - An gui for users to select items from given standardized json
pizzip JS (คลัง) - --pizzip--
hwm_armory_framework JS (คลัง) - Хелпер для других скриптов склада
Scenexe Socket Fiddler JS (คลัง) - Scenexe Socket Fiddler. Modify incoming and outgoing packets by writing functions for incoming and outgoing.
canvas2image 1.0.0 JS (คลัง) - Allow you save canvas as .png
html2canvas 1.4.1 JS (คลัง) - Allow you to convert html to canvas
AniSkip JS (คลัง) - Library for AniSkip API
Tool 1 For All Task Twitter - Everve JS (คลัง) - Close the tab
Tool 1 for Traffic Exchange - Everve JS (คลัง) - Closes the newly opened tabs when clicked from another tab
Tool For All Website JS (คลัง) - Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows
ScenexeUtils JS (คลัง) - Adds back encode, decode, compress, decompress, and executeMessage functions. Also adds encodeInverse and decodeInverse to undo decode and encode operations.
Shortlink Website JS (คลัง) - Multi Shortlink Auto Click
AutoClickShortlink JS (คลัง) - Multi Shortlink Auto Click
Auto refresh adsyou JS (คลัง) - Automatically refresh Adsyou
PTC 1 Website JS (คลัง) - faucetcrypto
download corner pop black-red theme JS (คลัง) - black-red theme for download corner pop
PPConf Updated JS (คลัง) - Pixel Place Config
Bank Requester 2 JS (คลัง) - Helper to withdraw/deposit
Diep.io Automation Pack JS (คลัง) - automates important constants for diep.io
PTC 4 2023 JS (คลัง) - Multi WEB AutoRotasi
download corner pop JS (คลัง) - a corner pop script
FAUCET 2 2023 JS (คลัง) - Script to claim faucets
FAUCET 1 2023 JS (คลัง) - Script to claim faucets
PTC 2 2023 JS (คลัง) - Multi PTC Cryptorotator
SuperNova JS (คลัง) - Auto Open Captcha
Saputra JS (คลัง) - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
PTC 1 2023 JS (คลัง) - Multi WEB AutoRotasi
PPIL2 JS (คลัง) - Pixel Place Image Loader
PPConf2 JS (คลัง) - Pixel Place Config
AUTOROTATORFAUCET JS (คลัง) - Script to claim faucet
Multi WEB PTC With AUTO Captcha JS (คลัง) - Multi PTC Cryptorotator
diep_Shortcut JS (คลัง) - if you need help go to https://discord.gg/4Rk3yGSQDp
SearchEngineJumpPlusRules JS (คลัง) - Rules used by SearchEngineJumpPlus 搜索引擎快捷跳转+
SearchEngineJumpPlusEngineList JS (คลัง) - Engine list used by SearchEngineJumpPlus 搜索引擎快捷跳转+
GM_html2canvas JS (คลัง) - 由于原版的html2canvas在对跨域图片获取上总是失败的问题,将跨域改为通过GM_xmlhttpRequest获取
pops JS (คลัง) - 纯JavaScript编写的弹窗,内置方法confirm、alert、prompt、loading、iframe、isPhone、tooltip、folder、panel、rightClickMenu。
网盘链接识别-图标库 JS (คลัง) - 网盘链接识别-图标库ICON 百度网盘 蓝奏云 天翼云 ##移动云盘(原:和彩云) 阿里云 文叔叔 奶牛快传 123盘 腾讯微云 迅雷网盘 115网盘 夸克网盘 城通网盘(部分) magnet
SpeedReaderTools JS (คลัง) - Use for generating and decoding stuffs in SpeedReader.
GMLibrary JS (คลัง) - GMLibary
Absolute Visibility JS (คลัง) - Makes tabs and windows think they're visible even when they're not.
Delicious Userscript Library JS (คลัง) - A library for userscripts on AnimeBytes which implements a settings page, among other things. Made by momentary0 on github (https://github.com/momentary0/AB-Userscripts/). I just uploaded here for use in my script since I couldn't get greasyfork to approve my require even with integrity checks.
获取当前页面的前端应用资源id JS (คลัง) - 用于测试脚本引用
Basic Functions (For userscripts) JS (คลัง) - Useful functions for myself
Kawaii hikari chan for anti-devtools-detector JS (คลัง) - 一只可爱的光光,#给所有酷(ku3)毙(bi1)的前端逆向工程师们
ajaxHooker JS (คลัง) - ajax hook
TestplaceForLibrary-DD1969 JS (คลัง) - test place for library
AkiLib JS (คลัง) - 自用
fork of GM_config JS (คลัง) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
js-Extensions-touchJS JS (คลัง) - js-Extensions-touchJS是一个非常简单的原生js touch扩展,用于适配移动端的常用touch操作(点击tab、双击dbTab、长按longPress、长按终止longPressCancel、滑动swipe以及具体滑动方向left right up down),并兼容鼠标手势操作
emoji class for DTF-markdown JS (คลัง) - emoji class
emoji for DTF-markdown JS (คลัง) - emoji database
coofoUtils-iyuuUtils JS (คลัง) - iyuuUtils扩展包
getBaiduCssLib JS (คลัง) - pc端百度双列显示Css
Qmsg JS (คลัง) - 消息提示
wasm parser JS (คลัง) - used to modify wasm
micromodal-min js JS (คลัง) - micromodal-min js lib
国家开放大学学习网题库 JS (คลัง) - 国家开放大学学习网题库,客观题库
WAIL JS (คลัง) - Wail parser
[YouTube] Auto add Text in ChatBox JS (คลัง) - Auto add Text in ChatBox.
toAnimatedWebp JS (คลัง) - wasm for pixiv downloader
Kamikaze' Script Utils JS (คลัง) - Custom Functions for Kamikaze's Scripts
WhiteSevsUtils JS (คลัง) - 一个好用的工具类
nbsp test JS (คลัง) - ①读秀试读或者包库全文、汇雅电子书的一键下载 ② 在图书馆参考咨询联盟(ucdrs)或读秀(duxiu)以及他们镜像站上显示文#的ssid或dxid,用于图书文#互助、群组找书等场景;显示大学数字图书馆国际合作计划(cadal)的书号-ssno,用于查询下载中美百万书册;显示社科文#中心、日本内阁文库等文#站点的索书号。 ③ 提供各文#站点、图书电商和豆瓣图书的互访链接。 ④ 一键复制各文#站点的索书号、图书元数据。 To搜索[红太狼的平底锅]的朋友:提供红太狼的平底锅的部分功能,如显示ssid,但不提供售卖,下载请自行找百度网盘群组;显示dxid或其它索书号、双向链接、一键复制等为平底锅没有的新加功能。
jQueryUI custom build JS (คลัง) - Custom jQueryUI v1.11.4 build only including core.js, widget.js, mouse.js, draggable.js
jquery.formLocalStorage JS (คลัง) - 自动保存表单数据
快麦筛选地址辅助 JS (คลัง) - 快麦筛选地址辅助函数
SkittleGamer_TTV Theme JS (คลัง) - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
阿里百宝箱P4P布局优化-朱玄奘 JS (คลัง) - 优化调整阿里国际站P4P界面,布局更紧凑,目前只是最简单的版本,有问题及时反馈:有更多的需求及时留言微信号:zrl0495
MidConfig JS (คลัง) - UserScript用の設定画面
test131 JS (คลัง) - 351547241
Online IDE DDS Create JS (คลัง) - shortcuts to create DDS library component HTML
国开题库 JS (คลัง) - 学习新##,争做新青年!
jQuery-Extensions-touchJS JS (คลัง) - jQuery-Extensions-touchJS是一个非常简单的jQuery touch扩展,用于适配移动端的常用touch操作(点击tab、双击dbTab、长按longPress、长按终止longPressCancel、滑动swipe以及具体滑动方向left、right、up、down),并兼容鼠标手势操作
SakuraDanmakuClasses JS (คลัง) - Library: Classes for SakuraDanmaku
KameSame Open Framework - Injector module JS (คลัง) - Injector module for KameSame Open Framework
yssWaitForNode JS (คลัง) - Be smart!
Pixelplace' New Colours Bypass JS (คลัง) - PPlace' Config B
Axios JS (คลัง) - Axios 是一个基于 promise 网络请求库,作用于node.js 和浏览器中。 它是 isomorphic 的(即同一套代码可以运行在浏览器和node.js中)。在服务端它使用原生 node.js http 模块, 而在客户端 (浏览端) 则使用 XMLHttpRequests。
时间控件 JS (คลัง) - none
findAndReplaceDOMText-huahuacat JS (คลัง) - 0.4.7
PokeClicker+ JS (คลัง) - PokeClicker plugin framework
Bing beautification infoArr JS (คลัง) - 美化必应搜索页面,增加自动公告
快手小店库 JS (คลัง) - 自用
Bing beautification store JS (คลัง) - 美化必应搜索页面,从此,自动更新,向更新弹窗说NOoooooooo!
string format JS (คลัง) - Format a string with '{0}','{1}'...
Browses JS (คลัง) - none
hotkeys-js JS (คลัง) - npm hotkeys-js
lib2class JS (คลัง) - 青骄第二课堂题库
SideBarButtonLibrary JS (คลัง) - SideBarButtonLibrary 是一个轻量级的 JavaScript 库,用于创建可展开和收起的侧边栏按钮容器,支持自定义吸附方向(左、右、上、下)、按钮排列方式(水平或垂直)以及样式,适用于快速构建侧边栏工具栏或导航菜单。
shangjiabeizhu JS (คลัง) - vc发货 打印出库单显示 商家备注qq806350554
lib2023classforliupeng JS (คลัง) - 青骄第二课堂禁毒知识竞赛2023版题库刘彭版