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Different user script for different tabs


Different user script for different tabs

Sir i need in Firefox to use Different user script for different tabs of the same address is there any way


I think this would be better for the Development section.

Can you give us more details? Is it the exact same address?


Itis not possible to use different userscript for different tabs on the same address. HOWEVER, it is possible to make 1 userscript behave differently for each tab. You just need some variable which persist over all tabs (GM_setValue/GM_getValue are good for this purpose), and some functions to call depending on its value.
Simple example:

var idx = GM_getValue('3_tab_functions',0);
GM_setValue('3_tab_functions',idx + 1) ;
if (idx == 0) { func0(); }
else if (idx == 1) { func1(); }
else if (idx == 2) { func2(); }

If you really want/need to keep things in different scripts, then, using the same concept, you can have all the scripts to run, but have all but the one(s) you want auto-die.
// Script 1 for tab 1
var idx = GM_getValue('3_tab_functions',0);
GM_setValue('3_tab_functions',idx + 1);
// Die if we aren't suppose to run
if (idx !== 0) return 0;
// Your Code Here

// Script 2 for tab 2
var idx = GM_getValue('3_tab_functions',0);
GM_setValue('3_tab_functions',idx + 1);
// Die if we aren't suppose to run
if (idx !== 1) return 0;
// Your Code Here

// Script 3 for tab 3
var idx = GM_getValue('3_tab_functions',0);
GM_setValue('3_tab_functions',idx + 1);
// Die if we aren't suppose to run
if (idx !== 3) return 0;
// Your Code Here

This is a simple example and can be vastly expanded. For instance, you can create a tab-to-tab communication protocol with it, which can be used to determine the order in which the scripts/tabs were loaded, how many tabs are actively using the script, etc.

One more, this time a more complete and tested script. This one additionally does not cycle, meaning each function (or script) should run only in 1 tab. Once all functions are accounted for, additional tabs will simply not do anything. There is a small race condition in here, you could use storage events (refer to https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webstorage.html) to overcome this.

// ==UserScript==
// @name 3_tab_functions
// @namespace https://myanimelist.net
// @version 0.1
// @description Semi-Complete example for 1 script, multiple functions. We use localStorage which gives you the ability to add storage events if needed. Refer to https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webstorage.html
// @author You
// @match https://myanimelist.net
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
function dbg(msg) {

function save(namespace,data) {
function load(namespace) {
var data=localStorage.getItem(namespace);
//var data=GM_getValue(namespace);
if (! data)
data = {
0:{'expires': 0, 'owner': null},
1:{'expires': 0, 'owner': null},
2:{'expires': 0, 'owner': null},
else {
data = JSON.parse(data);
return data;
function register(ridx) {
var data = load('3_tab_functions');
var ctime = new Date()/1;
dbg("rdx " + ridx);
if (! isNaN(ridx)) {
// Already registered, We just need to update the expire time
data[ridx].expires = ctime + 1000;
else {
// Not yet registered, lets try to get in.
for (var i=0;i

