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w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458631). Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.

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Hello! Love this script! I've figured out how to make a few tweaks myself, but there are a couple things I haven't been able to figure out. When bookmarking a series, would it be possible to have the series_works_titles_summaries variable make the title of each installment a hyperlink to the individual work? So if the series gets deleted, I would have a link to each work to feed into Wayback Machine. And in a similar vein, when bookmarking an individual work that's part of a series, could there be an option to include a link to the series it's a part of? Whether this is possible or not, thanks for such a great script!


have the series_works_titles_summaries variable make the title of each installment a hyperlink to the individual work?

This should be doable, but I can't guarantee it'll always be a hyperlink as the already existing code for series_works_titles_summaries leads me to believe that while testing that feature I encountered series where the work title was not a link (as in, it was missing the href attribute).

when bookmarking an individual work that's part of a series, could there be an option to include a link to the series it's a part of?

This should also be doable, but it'll be a new variable that can be used in workInfo.

I'll try to make these two changes part of the next update, but I can't make any guarantees as to when the next update will be.


Awesome, thank you so much! Re: it not always being a link — just having it include the individual work IDs would also do the trick, if that would work better/be easier. Thanks again!


Ahh I actually ended up figuring out how to do this! I don't actually know how to code so it may not be the best way to do it, but it works 😅:

ETA - copy/pasting the code doesn't work very well so I'll just attach pics.


Hi, sorry about taking so long. I've actually had this implemented (but not thoroughly tested) for a while now but IRL has been kinda busy and I forgot about it.

Speaking of testing, could I ask you to install this beta testing version of this script and let me know if this is the behaviour you're looking for? If it doesn't seem like it's doing anything try turning the main script off, since having them both enabled might have them interfering with each other.


No worries at all! I really appreciate you taking the time to add the feature! Yes, the beta version adds the links to the parts of a bookmarked series like I was looking for! It doesn't seem to add the series info to an individual work bookmark that's part of a series though — is there a variable I should add to the preset for that? I looked through the script but didn't see it, but it's entirely possible I missed it.

Thanks again!


It doesn't seem to add the series info to an individual work bookmark that's part of a series though

Ah, that's because I hadn't added that feature yet. I've pushed an update with that feature added to the beta testing version of the script I linked earlier, could you reinstall that and check if it works?


It works! Thank you so much!


Hi. I've updated the main script to v2.14.0, which adds series_link for adding the series' a work is a part of, and makes the entries in series_works_titles_summaries hyperlinks. Let me know if you encounter any bugs.

