Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" ( Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.
< 脚本w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker的反馈
I just wanna make sure I'm understanding your feature request correctly.
When you say "add to the auto tags the fandom" do you mean the fandom name as it appears on the work's information area? Like, if a work had a fandom tag that was "Naruto (Anime & Manga)" you want the AutoTag function to add "Naruto (Anime & Manga)" as a tag to your bookmark?
Yes, I want to add the fandom tag to the bookmark, this makes it infinitely easier to sort through my bookmarks. I usually do this manually, but if it can be added to the auto tag that would be great
Hi. I've updated the script to v2.14.0, which adds a new option in the preferences dropdown for whether you want AutoTag to include the fandom(s) of the work when bookmarking. Let me know if you encounter any bugs.
This just keeps getting better and better, but, would it be too much trouble to add to the auto tags the fandom/works that a fic is from? I've been trying to filter my bookmarks but right now with how it is, I normally have to type for example Naruto myself into the tags so I can filter the works by fandom. could that be done in the auto tags?