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MyAnimeList (MAL) Hide User Posts JS - Annoying user posts? Block / hide them!
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Search Filter JS - This script hides search r###lts that you already have on your list
MAL block reviews JS - block review user
Anime/Manga Favorited Status % JS - See the % of people that have watched and favorited an anime/manga in the entry status page.
Search Helper - MAL JS - Quickly search for the anime/manga title on any websites of your choice.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Batoto MyFollows JS - Filter your follows from comic search; info button and sorting in the old follows page; links between Batoto-MU-Mal and other features.
MAL Anime Entries Compare JS - This script compares anime entries from user list with entries from anime detail page and bold similar ones
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Extra JS - Show anime/manga info inside your animelist/mangalist
Realign MyAnimeList Airing / Not Yet Aired / Publishing JS - Easily identify if a series is currently airing, has yet to air, or is currently being published.
MAL See All Discussions JS - Replaces "More discussions" link on anime and manga entries with "All discussions" link
MAL seasonal anime page sort JS - MyAnimeList sorting seasonal anime page by score/members.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Random Anime/Manga/People & Characters JS - Search for a random anime, manga, person or character
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Random Anime/Manga/People & Characters (Rx filter) JS - Search for a random anime, manga, person or character
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Profile Switch JS - Switch "About me" and "Statistics" in your profile
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Com-to-Com Links JS - Add Com-to-Com link between user and comment user for every comment.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Last updates "Edit Button" JS - Brings the edit button back to your profile
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Profile navigationbar JS - Add a navigation bar at the top of your profile
MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Cloud JS - Displays tags cloud on profile pages.
(MAL) My Anime List Filter JS - This script filters your anime list by type (movie, TV, etc.), score, airing status, number of episodes and rating
MAL Default List Order JS - Orders anime and manga lists by a score given on default
MAL Status to Episodes Focus JS - Moves focus to "Episodes Watched" after you selected "Status"
MAL counter for Profile and Blog JS - Adds counter while editing profile or blog that shows how many characters are left to the limit
MyAnimeList (MAL) History Cleaner JS - Helps delete episode and chapter history on
MyAnimeList (MAL) Alternative History JS - Displays anime/manga series history based on RSS feed, instead of default episode/chapter history
MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations JS - Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count
MAL Hide non-Japanese voice actors JS - Hides non-Japanese voice actors from show page
MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater JS - Adds type, genres and other info to entries tags. Can also delete all current tags.
MyAnimeList Add Friends' Statistics to Main Page JS - Adds your Friends' Statistics to each MyAnimeList entry page .
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Anime/Manga Entries Compare JS - This script compares anime and manga entries from your userlists with entries from anime detail page and bold similar ones
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Voice Actor Filter JS - This script can filter/sort Voice Acting roles, Anime Staff positions and Published Manga
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Anime Recommendations Filter JS - This script can hide recommendations that you already have on your list/don't have on your list
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Recommendations direct link JS - When you click on a recommendation picture in a anime/manga page, you go directly to the anime/manga and not the recommendation page.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Average Friends Score JS - Display next to the MAL score, the average score of your friends
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Remove all watch video/pv icons JS - This script will remove any watch icon on myanimelist
Open MAL links in new tabs JS - Opens links from anime/manga lists in new tabs
MyAnimeList List Fixer JS - fix list page. hide media icons;
MyAnimeList Score Hider JS - MAL scores may be a good indicator, but the nitty-gritty stuff is cancerous. Reduce the meaningless score to something easy to understand.
MyAnimeList Remove Unnecessary Spacing JS - Removes unnecessary padding on MyAnimeList profiles.
MyAnimeList Remove Recommended Sites JS - Removes the reccomended sites on the bottom of the page.
- All My Friend's Entries JS - Add the "All My Friend's Entries" box from the stats page in anime or manga details.
MyAnimeList Swap Peoples' Name Order JS - Swaps the name of people on MyAnimeList from the regular "Last Name, First Name" to "First Name Last Name"
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Popup for "Edit Details" JS - This script will show a popup when you click "Edit details" on any anime/manga page.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Hover List, Notifications and Profile dropdown JS - Why click on the icons when you can hover?
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Anime/Manga Lists in the Panel JS - Re-adds the list links into the panel.
[MAL] Additional features JS - Adds image and torrent search to anime / manga entries.
MAL Voice Actor Filter JS - This script filters voice actor: "Voice Acting Roles" and anime staff: "Anime Staff Positions" by your anime list entries
BBCodes for MAL JS - Add BBCode to MAL Forum posts
MyAnimeList - Genre filter for anime lists JS - Filters animelists by genre. All anime entries without tags will be set to a comma separated list of genres to enable filtering. Warning: has functionality that permanently deletes all current tags when used.
MyAnimeList Split PTW List JS - Makes the Anime Statistics on Profiles more indicative, telling you how many haven't aired yet.
Find Missing Entries JS - Opens all pages on MAL that are not on your list.
MyAnimeList Seasonal Anime Hide Dropped. JS - Hides Dropped Shows on the Seasonal Page
Change MAL Club in Menu JS - Changes the Clubs link in the profile dropdown from all clubs to your clubs
MyAnimeList Auto-Confirm updated entry JS - Automatically goes back to anime page after successfully updating an entry
MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store JS - Hides the Manga Store Ads on MyAnimeList.
MAL PTW Fetch Sort JS - This script adds "Fetch Sort" button to the "Plan to watch" page. The button sorts the list by MAL's avg. score
MALstreaming JS - Adds various anime and manga links to MAL
MALtoANI JS - Adds AniList link to myanimelist anime and manga pages
MyAnimeList BBCode Toolbar JS - Advanced BBCode Editor for
MAL manga default search JS - Make MyAnimelist search work faster for adding manga.
Douki JS - Import Anime and Manga Lists from Anilist (see for more info)
Unlimited MAL Ignore list JS - Ignore an unlimited amount of users. Comes with custom settings: delete the entire post, replace the content of the message with a custom message, replace or delete the avatar, and keep or delete the signature.
Go to Graph button JS - a quick way to open a user's anime graph profile from their MAL profile
MAL Randomizer JS - Picks 1,5 or 10 random anime from a users MAL anime list or manga list
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Thumbnail Switch JS - When on an anime/manga/character page, you will automatically cycle through other available pictures.
MAL (MyAnimeList) Dubs JS - Labels English dubbed titles on and adds dub only filtering
MyAnimeList Artist Entry Colored Highlighting JS - Highlights shows when accessing an artist entry on the database. The color is chosen based on how the user has marked the show (watching, watched, on-hold, dropped or planned to watch).
Enlarge MAL List/Search Thumbnails JS - Enlarges thumbnails on MAL profile lists and advanceded search r###lts.
Find on Nyaa JS - Will open nyaa on a new window and search for the anime title
MyAnimeList Top Anime Hide Items JS - Hides anything on the "top anime/manga" pages that are already on your list
Change MAL Friends link in Menu JS - Changes the Friends link in the profile dropdown to the friends page linked to your profile
MyAnimeList Search Anime/MangaList from Profile JS - Allows you to search a users anime/manga list without opening their list first.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Profile Colors JS - Returns the good ol' blue colors to your MAL profile.
MAL Public Score in Animelist JS - Adds new column with public score to the animelist
Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus JS - A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.
All the anime top buttons JS - All the anime top buttons (has MAL-Sync support)
Anime torrent search links JS - Adds links to torrent searches and stuff to anidb, anime-planet, animenfo, myanimelist & animenewsnetwork
Watch Order & Adaptations Finder JS - See the franchise's correct watch order and all entries. Easily check if an entry has Live-Action/Dorama adaptations, and copy the entry or all franchise entries' title(s).
Better Buttons To Edit Anime/Manga Information JS - The script removes the actual "Edit Anime/Manga Information" drop down menu, and replaces that with Better Buttons To edit the Anime/Manga information.
Automatically Add Start/Finish Dates For Animes/Mangas + Helpful Buttons JS - Selecting Watching/Reading auto adds the start date, and Completed auto adds the finish date. Shows the actual Anime/Manga dates below the Anime/Manga image, that's updated every time you reload or click on Watching/Reading/Completed. Hover the mouse over the dates and click to reset them. This script adds 6 helpful buttons on the Anime/Manga Edit Details Page.
Export Your Anime/Manga XML List On Any Page + Wayback Machine Your Profile. JS - This script adds a button on any anime/manga page, click on this button to download your Anime/Manga XML list. There's a button that's added on your profile only and Backups Your Profile using the Wayback Machine services.
Remove Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus JS - Removes Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus
Average Reviews Calculator for MAL JS - Have a better reviews page with this script that loads all reviews on a single page instead of needing to navigate to the next web pages, and shows the averages of all score categories, if you want to sort the reviews with the same category click on the "Sort Reviews" button.
Total And Remaning Duration Of Any Animes On MAL JS - Now you can know how much time you will need to finish watching any animes on mal. If you use the MAL episode tracking tool you can also know how much time you still have to spend to finish watching all the remaining episodes.
MAL Summary+Profile Stats With Percentages + Hours JS - See your profile stats in % + Hours, and see the Summary Stats in %
Generate a List With The Animes/Mangas Titles that were Re-Watched/Re-Read JS - Easily and quickly generate a list with all ReWatched/ReRead entries and how many times.
Better Buttons to Change The Status Of Animes/Mangas And To Add Scores JS - Makes easier and faster to select any status/score by enlarging the removing the dropdown selection of those options. Delete any entry from your list, or score + add the whole anime Franchise to your anime list with a single click.
Show Anime Duration With Seconds JS - Shows the Duration Time with seconds for all animes.
My Anime List Open Every Anime in the search page JS - <The button is located in the dropdown menu> This script opens all anime links from MyAnimeList's Search page. It doesn't give you sequels (if they have similar names AND are on the same page).
MyAnimeList External Link Adder JS - Adds external links in the end of the title
Endless MAL Search Pages JS - Load the next page automatically and endlessly. You just need to scroll down to the page bottom. Now there's no need to click on the "next page" button ever again!
Show More Info on the Anime/Manga page JS - Display the More Info button text contents after the synopsis only when an anime/manga has the More Info button. Don't worry about needing to open the More Info button anymore!
Show More Forum Discussions on Anime/Manga Pages JS - Show up to 15 Forum Discussions on Anime and Manga Pages instead of only +/- 4 Forum Discussions.
MAL-Night CSS - Dark/Nightmode theme for
MyAnimeList (MAL) "Episode Videos" Hider JS - A script that will hide "Episode Videos" by default on an anime page to avoid spoilers. There is a button to toggle this feature above where the videos should be, beside "More Videos"
Show The Average Score For Animes/Mangas Instead Of N/A JS - Shows the average score of unpopular entries that have unweighted scores "N/A" on MAL.
Total Duration Time + Total Episodes Of Any Animes Franchises JS - This is a tool to easily and quickly see how long it will take for you to finish watching the whole anime Franchise, and you can also see how many episodes and entries the Franchise has.
MAL • Links to Shikimori JS - Provide links to Shikimori mirror pages.
MALFunction - "Fix" ERRORS on MAL + Text AutoSaver JS - When MAL bugs showing ERROR messages or is blank and don't load the script reloads the page until MAL is successfully loaded... The script also AutoSaves any text that you are writing on MAL so that you will never again lose an UnSubmitted text!