Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
MAL English Titles JS - Add English Titles to various MyAnimeList pages, whilst still displaying Japanese Titles
make mal less bad JS - on staff page, 1. add option to filter anime to those on user's list only (must be logged in) 2. add staff filter by role (e.g., Director) 3. bold rows where voice actor has main role 4. add row numbers
Who Defriended ME!? - MAL JS - Now you can easily and quickly know who DeFriended you on MAL!
MAL Custom CSS Override - Working!!! JS - Replaces the anime/manga lists CSS styles on other users anime/manga lists with your own, or with an style of an user of your choice!
Have we ever talked before? - MAL JS - Quickly know if you have ever received Private Messages or profile comments from specific users by opening the user's profile page or by hovering over the user image/name on any page on MAL.
Affinity to You JS - Shows the "Affinity to You" % that all users who have commented on any topic on MAL have with you!
Series Highlighter - MAL JS - Highlights entries that already exist on your MAL lists
Mentioner - MAL JS - Adds a button to mention the @user name on all users who have commented on any topics on MAL. The script also adds a search user name box near the box were the reply is written, so that you can search for any user that commented on that topic and click on the @UserName to auto paste it into the reply box.
Better Related Anime/Manga Reader JS - Adds line breaks between each Synonyms/Spin-offs/Alternative versions/Sequels/Summary/Others and Side stories titles on entry pages.
Forum Spoilers Hider - MAL JS - Hides the title of forum topics that aren't episodes/chapters discussion topics on anime/manga pages to avoid spoilers. Hover the mouse over the Forum Topic title to see the original title.
Add new entries to PTW/PTR JS - Any new entries that you add to your list will be added to your Plan To Watch/Read list.
Openings/Endings Enhancer - MAL JS - Click on the Play button to watch and listen the FULL OP/END directly on MAL! Click on the OP/END music number to search for the music title on youtube on a new tab.
MAL Public Score in MangaList JS - Adds new column with public score to the MangaList. WARNING! this script only works on Modern Lists, and, not the Classic ones (I think so)
Approved Entries Notifier - MAL JS - Auto-perform a few checks daily to notify you when specific anime/manga entries get approved or denied.
- - Japanese subtitle indicator JS - Displays an icon next to animes that have Japanese subtitles on kitsunekko. Due to browser security features, the script requires manual updating of the subtitles list. Instructions will appear on MyAnimeList after installing the script.
MAL Full History JS - Just an Easy Script that lets You to check Your Full Watching History on MAL
MAL: Filter Voice Acting Roles by Main/Supporting JS - Adds an option to filter Voice Acting roles by type on MAL
Hide Entry Score JS - Hide the score on anime/manga on MAL as soon as the page loads. To see the entry store hover the mouse over the score.
Better MAL Favs JS - Choose how you want profile favorites to look like.
Telegram new episode finder for MAL watching list page and anime list JS - Find new unwatched episode from your disired Telegram channel/group/peer... and show a link to it in front of each anime on your MAL CURRENTLY WATCHING page.
MAL bigger images JS - bigger thumbnails on MAL
"Not Yet Aired" Hider JS - Allows you to hide "Not Yet Aired" entries of your list.
White Background - MAL JS - Makes MAL always use the default white background color.
Friends Average Score - MAL JS - Show all your friends weighted score for an entry.
Entry History - MAL JS - Get a detailed anime/manga history with the exact month/day/year and hour:minute of when you modified the watched/completed episode number of the entry.
Anime Recommendations - MAL JS - Get new anime recommendations whenever you open your profile page.
Desktop Mode - MAL JS - Forces MAL always be opened on Desktop View Mode.
Friend Requests Fix - MAL JS - Shows a next page button on your friends requests history, and let's you see all friends requests you got up to 3 years ago.
MAL Shared Anime Graph JS - Adds a canvas graph to shared anime pages on MyAnimeList
Quotes Filter - MAL JS - Hide quotes from ignored users.
Links to titles - MAL JS - Shows entry and topic titles instead of full link urls.
Anime list total time - MAL JS - Shows the total amount of time you will take to watch all entries on your anime list.
Unpin Seasonal Anime - MAL JS - Move pinned anime in Seasonal tab back to original spot. Currently works for all sorting filters except 'sort by licensor'.
MyAnimeList - Auto Modern "About Me" expander. Works for mobile, too JS - Auto expands the modern "about me"
MAL Restore Rating JS - Restore MAL's old rating display
MyAnimeList Dubs Latin Spanish JS - Labels Latin Spanish dubbed titles on and adds dub only filtering
MAL Overall Rating Fix JS - Puts the overall ratings of reviews back to the top.
评分对比助手 JS - 在Bangumi、VNDB等上面显示其它网站的评分
Genre & Theme list filters for MyAnimeList (MAL) JS - Adds rudimentary genre, theme and demographics filter options to the list filter menu
MAL mobile view cleaner - better view. JS - Removes annoying/unnecessary elements in MAL (mobile) website.
Combined seasonal list - MAL JS - Combines the different type of anime releases on the seasonal page into one list. Each type can be individually toggled.
Make URLS clickable in MAL aboutme JS - This script makes URLS clickable in any profile! (for modern about me.)
User Blocker - MAL JS - Block any user on any forum topic with a single click!
MyAnimeList - filter badges from first to latest JS - Filters badges from first to latest instead of latest to first.
Add "MxJ" option to dropdown menu - MAL JS - Adds "MxJ" option to MAL's dropdown menu. (for mobile and desktop)
MyAnimeList Synopsis Auto-Translator JS - Automatically translates MyAnimeList anime and manga descriptions.
MAL Inspector Useful Buttons JS - Shows Copy Title, Hof and Web Archive buttons below Anime title
MAL Images Backup JS - Backups all images on forum topics, blogs and all images on anime/manga lists CSS styles.
My Review - MAL JS - Open your own review on any entry with a single click!
Episodes Average Score - MAL JS - Shows the total episodes average score on any anime entries on MAL.
"Create New Topic" button on mobile version for MAL JS - Since MAL doesn't have one, i added one.
MAL Redesigned Reviews JS - Modernizes MAL reviews, giving it a major design overhaul and adding new functionality.
List Tools JS - Provides tools for managing your list's tags, CSS, and more.
Show favorited count - MAL (for mobile ver) JS - Shows favorited anime,manga,characters,people,company count like "Favorite - Anime (10)" on mobile version
Paste Images - MAL JS - Copy any image and paste it on MAL to get it uploaded to Imgur and have the direct image link and ###ode automatically added to the reply box!
MAL Signature Updater JS - Automatically update your signature!
MAL extra stats JS - Adds favorite/dropped % and unweighted score to myanimelist stats page
FAL potential ace highlight JS - Adds trophy icon to eligible show with most points. If you have already aced show with trophy icon, you have to wait until another show surpass it in points or swap it out from blocking ace.
Open in Miru JS - Adds a link to open an anime in Miru, if you have MAL-Sync installed then it will be at the bottom of the Quicklinks.
MyAnimeList Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically toggle built-in dark mode on
MAL set finish date from history JS - Shortcut to set finish watch date based on watch history
MAL tierlist JS - make tierlist on seasonal anime page (V0.5 ordered tierlist instead of automatic sort)
Quotes - MAL JS - Brings back the original MAL quotes button! Now you can copy in a single click original ###odes and image URLs!
Simplyfiy series sections on MAL 1.2 JS - It removes a lot of unnecessary text and empty spaces, creating a more minimalist site.
MAL-Clean-JS JS - Customizations and fixes for MyAnimeList
Character pages Fix - MAL JS - Shows a next page button on the Top character pages and lets you see all Top character pages on MAL.
Finish Airing Date - MAL JS - Calculate the expected finished airing date for anime entries and automatically open the anime entry link once it finishes airing.
MyAnimeList's Customizable Anime Page Cleaner JS - A barely functional script to get rid of useless stuff from my anime list anime page, like the holy opinion of some zoomer weebs.
MAL Classic List Notes Column JS - Allows sorting by notes by moving them to a separate column.
New airing anime fix - MAL JS - Open the anime entry page instead of the season page for "The anime you plan to watch will begin airing on..." notifications.
MAL highlight active users JS - Highlight active users to help find friends in your area for MyAnimeList:
MyAnimeList: Increase the Font-Size for Reviews to 15 px JS - Increases the font-size for MyAnimeList reviews to 15 px (from the default 11 px), so they're more pleasant to read.
MAL - Unretard Related Entries JS - Reverts retarded changes from 2024-05-24 to related entries back to the sane list.
MyAnimeList: Mass-delete your Plan to Watch list JS - When on the Plan to Watch page, goes through and deletes every single entry until there's none left. Should work with the majority of list styles, but could break if the default modern style isn't used. Make sure to disable this script after you're done using it.
MAL Related Entries Cleaner JS - Consolidate all entries into a unified entries table in the "Related Entries" section on MAL, add small dynamically-coloured badges, and auto-expand the section.
MAL Favorites Row Wrap JS - Display user favorites in rows without horizontal scroll.
Save Anime List as TXT JS - Tambahkan tombol untuk menyimpan daftar anime ke file TXT
CrunchyMAL Cross Search JS - Add MyAnimeList button to Crunchyroll pages and vice-versa.
MAL Conversation Button Adder (Async, DOMParser) JS - Adds a conversation button to each comment on a MAL profile using async/await and DOMParser to extract numerical user IDs.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Preview ###ODE JS - This script will add the MAL ###ODE Editor where it is currently not enabled.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - ###ODE Editor Character Counter JS - This script will add a character counter to the MAL ###ODE Editor.
MAL: fix genres in stats JS - Fix names of genres in stats
MAL (MyAnimeList) - Accurate Progress & Sorting On Anime List JS - Accurately sorts your anime list by progress, and displays correct progress percentages for each anime