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YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
Mazyar JS - Swiss Army knife for
HeroWarsDungeon JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
HTML5 video player enhanced script JS - Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S. JS - color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
krunker the best aimbot JS - locks on to players
Swift Client for ( updated ) JS - Arthur ( the nerd who is the head dev of the game ) has disabled all user scripts and extentions because people were using it to hack other people's accounts and i got a few script dms on discord too ( it mostly happens via discord ) so if you use this you're going to get a 24 hour ban
torn-crime-crack-helper JS - Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
Blooket Hacks JS - Blooket hacks 5 hacks made by Jesse Nicolaï
BetterSnap - Make Snapchat Web Better JS - Screenshot & View Unread Chats, Send as Mobile, and more! Previously known as Better Snapchat.
🔥 TigerTech Client for Shell Shockers Aimbot, CrossHair Mod, Auto-Move, Ping Monitor and MOAR!🔥 JS - Get ready for a brand new update! TigerTechOfficial Mod for Shell Shockers Aimbot, ESP and MOAR! It allows players to see opponents through walls, display lines to them, and automatically aim at targets. The script includes a GUI for toggling features and works on various Shell Shockers domains. Use of this script may violate game terms of service and ethical considerations.
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
Key System Bypass JS - Bypass key system steps with HWID parameter in the link
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from
Paywall Bypass Script (, Google Cache, JS - Mobile and desktop-friendly paywall bypass with dropdown menu and right-click options. Added Mobile + Desktop support.
Fluxus Bypasser New JS - bypass fluxus new
Nexus Mods - Download Mod Faster - Improved UX (All Games) JS - Improves the user experience for visitors by adding Insta-DL buttons in various places like |1) categories mod tiles |2) mod description/file page
- Mod Menu JS - Adds a simple mod menu to for cheats and enhancements.
- shark finder JS - if there's a shark hidden on your screen it will find it for you
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Autodarts - Rematch-Button JS - Rematch-Button on mainpage with the last 2-6 players
YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự động JS - Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube
Advanced Cheat GUI JS - Enhanced Cheat GUI for
Small Window Preview JS - Drag a link to open it in a popup window with a preview before opening, using Edge's prerendering technology. Also, add an acrylic effect behind the window when it's open.
- JS - Basic cheats.
Remove ads Twitch JS - Continue to view twitch stream when ad
Declutter Pinterest JS - Removes intrusive Pinterest shopping promotions, ads, and clutter, and makes the website more user-friendly
Scribd Bypass JS - Skip Scribd for its free counterpart.
IXL Auto Answer (OpenAI API Required) JS - Sends HTML and canvas data to AI models for math problem solving with enhanced accuracy, a configurable API base, an improved GUI with progress bar and auto-answer functionality. Added logging for JS errors and GPT request errors.
Nexus No Wait ++ JS - Download from without wait and redirect (Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM), Tweaked with extra features.
! za's mod - unpatched JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
YouTube Boost Chat JS - Full Replacement of YouTube Chat Message List
Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
YouTube Premium Features (All-in-One) JS - Add YouTube Premium-like features: ad-blocking, background play, HD/4K default quality, downloader, dark mode, and Premium logo.
Mi300's FOV / Zoom Script JS - Press - + or scroll
AGARBOT.OVH/AGARIO Vanilla by jmx.iox JS - Official Javascript client from 2015/2016 before emscripten.
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
Frozen Bot V1 JS - Frozen bot script for gartic
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
YouTube Ad Blocker JS - Block YouTube ads effectively
Kahoot,quizezz,blooket and quizlet mod menu JS - This is a mod for school games this is very early beta!!please wait for more updates!
Unlock Nyan model JS - Can make CAI+ "Nyan" model the default ai model for chats
- Advanced Inventory Duplicator JS - Bypasses server validation to duplicate inventory items
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
YouTube Download JS - On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
TW Gold Jobs Finder (More Languages) JS - Shows a list of all silver and gold jobs!
- native video player and direct links JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Mediaset Play.
SLITio by szymy JS - MOD
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Yandex Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Yandex search page
Vimeo Download JS - Adds a download button to the video player.
FrankerFaceZ JS - Loads the main FrankerFaceZ script in browsers that don't support the extension but do support UserScripts; updated from and may break in your browser, UserScript version does not reflect actual FFZ version.
Pinterest Plus JS - Show full size + open original image.
Wanikani Double-Check JS - Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
豆瓣电影助手|douban movie helper JS - 【重新定义豆瓣脚本,东半球最好的豆瓣电影增强脚本】10秒搞定豆瓣电影资源下载|新增豆列搜索功能|电影黑名单:屏蔽你不想看的烂片|PT资源搜索链接|更多评分|字幕搜索|支持影人作品集批量搜索|增加查看原图链接|增加IMDB top 250标签|一键生成简介|在changhw版本基础上修改,增加pt站搜索,去除垃圾视频站。|感谢R酱、白鸽男孩| 自用脚本,代码粗糙,欢迎捉虫。
Better Reddit Delete JS - Based on Spaz's Reddit Delete, Adds subreddit selection and ability to delete posts. Replaces all VISIBLE comments with garbage text, then deletes the comment. Works with RES!
youtube player rotate JS - rotate youtube player.
Old Reddit Redirect JS - Automatically redirects you to the old reddit
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
Fanbox Downloader JS - Download Pixiv Fanbox Images.
Countdown killer JS - Remove login page countdown
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
Slither-Feeder-Bot JS - Slither Feeder Bot
YouTube - Stay Active and Play Forever JS - Tired of Youtube pausing playback asking you to click 'yes' to continue playing? This script will make the popup never appear, music will never stop. Never pause, never inactive, never worry. The script will keep you active and keep playing music FOREVER. Enables playing in background on mobile.
TSR - Freemium JS - Access some Subscriber/VIP functionality.
Cookie Clicker hack JS - Just a cookie clicker hack.
Comic Looms JS - Manga Viewer + Downloader, Focus on experience and low load on the site. Support you in finding the site you are searching for.
4chan sounds player JS - A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.
-,,,,, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports,,,,,,,,,, and
Bilibili Live Tasks Helper JS - Enhancing the experience of watching Bilibili live streaming.
EmuParadise Download Workaround JS - Replaces the download button link with a working one
- Trainer Hack JS - A Trainer to help you play on Reveal the positions of worms close to you.Shows where's the closest and biggest food near you, and can also create 2 danger zone circles around you.
Google Shut Up! JS - Remove annoying cookies popup on google and youtube login popup on youtube! Thanks to him
twitchAdSkip JS - Bezos is already too rich;i didn't make this
Amazon CamelCamelCamel + Keepa Price Charts JS - Add a CamelCamelCamel and Keepa price charts to Amazon product pages.
9gag NSFW unblock JS - Unblock NSFW without account
Netflix Marathon (Pausable) JS - A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/resume the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
PreventPageVisibility JS - Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows
Save Page JS - Save page as single HTML file.
Tiktok Video & Slideshow Downloader 🎬🖼️ JS - Download TikTok videos without watermark and slideshow images
- Hacked Menu JS - Here is a simple hack menu for!
SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+Scihub JS - Download the Refman(*.ris) with pdf URL queried from Sci-hub. Supported 80+ sites include Web of science, Researchgate, Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, MDPI, Scopus, etc. Just see:
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
- Anti Caracal Ability JS - Removes brown background when caracal ability is enabled
- Hack Fireball Mod X JS - Best Script Ever Working 2022
The Sims Resource - Easy Download Button JS - Open download in new window, auto-start download when ready.
Hedge Streak Counter (Automated) JS - Adds a hedge streak counter to the GeoGuessr website. Compatible with country streak counters if both scripts are at least v.1.3.0.
Country Streak Counter JS - Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
Chromebot - nitro type bot JS - Nitro typer auto typer for chromebooks (works for windows and mac as well)
Anti [ AdBlock Detector ] JS - Today I saw a window asking me to disable AdBlock ._. If you also have a problem with this, then you can use this script