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More UI part3JS-The third part to The GT UI+
More UI part2JS-The second part to The GT UI+
More UI part4JS-The fourth part to The GT UI+
Ghost trapper Auto Companion LoverJS-Help you send gift to companion you loved.Make sure to install ghost trapper companion companion, disabled it or companion script to stop sending. Gift send automatically to and companion that can receives gift!!
Steampunk Temptress TrackerJS-Keep log of steampunk temptress and obtain ratio of catches to misses in GT
GT - Check if Gifts/Invites existJS-GT script to check for badges to accept and send, and also to check if there are any friend invites
GT - Community Boosts NotifierJS-If hunters need you to boost them, a notification shows up above your trap setup (once per 15 minutes)
GT - Summoning Room Time CheckerJS-To notify hunters if time is up for a glyph
Ghost-Trapper-Auto-Collect-And-Send-BadgeJS-Auto send badge for ghost trapper, priority who send you request first. Still beta, more features comming soon
Ghost Trappers - Ghost CounterJS-To be used with the Ghost Trappers Facebook game. This script will count the total number of ghosts a player has caught and places the information in their profile page.
Ghost Trapper Livefeed ClickerJS-Clicks and Refreshes the Live Feed
Ghost Trappers - Simple AutohuntJS-Easy and simple auto-hunt and auto-assist script for the Ghost Trappers Facebook Game
Ghost Trappers display loot nameJS-A simple, minimalistic script that show loot name to the icon on contract and companion page. This enable to use browser serach function to search
Ghost Trappers Display Companion NameJS-A simple, minimalistic script that adds Companion Name to the Ghost Trappers companion page.
Enhanced Lady Ayumi shop infoJS-displays more details in shop
More UI part1JS-The first part to The GT UI+
Ghost Trappers Friends CrawlerJS-Makes getting more friends super easy.
Ghost Trappers Wiki LinksJS-Adds wiki links to Ghost Trappers